Eon Island (Robboa)



5 years, 5 months ago





Scientific NameFurari Anguis
DietEggs, any animal; no matter the size
PowerPresence disappearance 
WeaknessHas to bite itself to use its power on itself


The robboa is another fascinating member of the morph power class. It's one of the only members of this power class that has to hurt itself to use its power. When a robboa bites itself, it's gone-  just gone. There is nothing to see, smell, taste, feel, hear, or even sense from it anymore. While this does hurt the robboa, they are very resilient. Thus, they can hold this ability for a while, as long as they bite their own body. They can still move while doing this, moving similar to the sidewinder snake.


The robboa is an green snake with a black mask-like marking and black stripes. It has pale yellow eyes and a nice three pointed crest near its head along with a frill crest just like a frilled lizard. Their tongue is extremely thin, almost like paper. Lastly they have two skinny arms that each have their own head for additional biting. There is not that much else to this creature. It likes to keep itself simplified, which aids in its whole sneaky demeanor. A notable feature however, is that they can reach six feet in length.


Robboas are members of the feral social class. They are a very stealthy race, sneaking around the dense jungles of Eon Island, always in search of something to feed their greedy and gluttonous desires. They will attack another emotibeast only if they can't get their teeth around their favorite meal, eggs. When it's not hunting, it's usually hiding in the treetops, staying hidden from most predators. It will also hide by burrowing into the ground, using its crest to scoop up dirt. Robboas also have an interesting way of communicating with each other. They use their frills by opening and closing them to send signals to each other.


It's unclear if Eon actually made the robboas. Some people say they are an invasive species, living up to their name and sneaking onto the island to claim it as their home, coming from lands unknown. The robboas deny this, and mark it only as a theory. They claim that they have always been proud members of Eon Island but were only found by pure chance because they are "that good at sneaking around". Whatever the case, the robboas continue to live as members of Eon Island, living by most of the virtues set by the idealadins. Of course, if something needed to be stolen, they wouldn't mind helping out.


● Robboas have deceptively high defense and stamina, they get this from years of biting themselves.

● Robboas hate getting their tail grabbed.

● Since they can hide their presence completely, if they used it and then wrapped around you, a robboa could choke you out and you wouldn't even realize it.

● The most optimal shape for a robboa to move while using its power is a noose.

● For some strange reason, the bite of another robboa will not activate another robboa's power. The bite must be from the user.

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