Eon Island (Skupunk)



5 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NameFoetor Turibulum
DietInsects, berries, roots
PowerToxic combustible breath, flint and steel claws, flint tail


The skupunk has a very explosive skill in the bio power class. It has toxic breath, breathing it in for too long results in death due to the organs rotting from the inside. Though the truly dangerous thing about it is how combustible it is. This is where it utilizes its claws and tail. Its thumbs are steel and the rest of its claws and tail are flint. By snapping or scratching its tail, it makes sparks, which ignites the gas it lets out into a dangerous fire.


The Skupunk is a black rodent looking humanoid with a long tail made of flint. It has a large white mohawk as well as bright yellow eyes. It has black fur with white tufts and a hairy white stripe going down its back. They have very lanky bodies and reach six feet tall.


Skupunks belong to the humanoid social class. They talk a big game and are always pretty unruly, but truthfully they go down in one well placed punch. While great at attacking, they have very weak defenses and tend to talk themselves into trouble, yet refuse to back down like a stubborn mule. 


Skupunks are from the deep caves of Eon Island. They usually came out at night and go around just having a good, noisy, rowdy time, just doing punk stuff. They are the delinquents of the island, and are a big source of mischief at night. Many islanders end up getting awoken by their awful stench, and then try to drive them out. This always results in a one sided fight that usually ends with someone's home getting blown up or with the skupunks running away with their defeated leader after he took a kick to the shin.


● A skupunks' rank in its community is based on how big its mohawk is.

● Even at birth, the flint growing from their tail is very large.

● If a skupunk troop is troubling you, simply challenge the leader to a fight. If you win, they will leave.

● Skupunk fur is a very potent fuel.

● A skupunk smells like a sweat glazed slice of bologna left out in the sun for three days.

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