
Chracter Profile
Kasumi Nagao
Age Debute: 18 Current 20
Height 5'8''
Gender Female
Species Human
Theme [song]
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Occupation Ninja/Hunter
Hunter Contract (current) Herbalist (Future)
Ninja Clan Nagao Clan
Nen Type Conjurer
Type [main]
Status Alive
Creator kyubytes
Code by Vom
A world with no traditions or outdated rules. That appears to be a life I would prefer.

Kasumi Nagao is a ninja from the Nagao clan. Wanting to make a better life for herself Kasumi set out to become a Hunter. She is currently undercover as a traditional dancer aboard the Black Whale.


The Nagao clan is only known by other ninjas or assassins. Their distinguishable features are their unique color eye and hair color. The tempo teal blue is the dominant feature of the Nagao clan. Their eyes also having a unique shade of orange.

The men are given priority for the missions while the women are only given mediocre jobs because the males do not see women as their equals. Even though the women undergo the same training the men did.


Positive: Calm, Level Headed, Driven

Negative: Literal to a fault, Rational, Apathetic

Neutral: Stoic, Alert, Blunt

Kasumi’s facial expressions rarely change often sporting an emotionless or unenthusiastic expression. This often leads to Kasumi coming across as cold or stuck up. Further emphasizing this is her monotone way of speaking, which often comes across as sarcastic depending on the situation.

Kasumi’s lack of empathy often finds herself in one sided arguments, or being strongly disliked by people who are not used to her way of speaking.


  • In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus.
  • Nunc venenatis id odio ac placerat. Suspendisse porttitor, augue a interdum congue, tortor sem venenatis nibh, vitae convallis mauris magna sit amet nisi.
  • Integer et lacus lectus. Sed rutrum risus nisl. Duis accumsan congue massa vitae euismod. Integer dapibus magna at nibh porttitor pretium. Duis iaculis dignissim rhoncus.
  • Phasellus at enim porta, scelerisque erat sit amet, tincidunt ex. Ut vel metus odio. Mauris porttitor lorem varius lacus imperdiet consequat.
  • Vestibulum a massa eu urna varius dictum non vel libero.


  • Loud Obnoxious People
  • Being Underestimated
  • Sweets
  • Emotions


Body Type: Exceptionally Lean

Distinguishing Features: Tempo Teal hair and Sunset Orange eyes

Nagao Clan

The Nagao clan is only known by other ninjas or assassins. Their distinguishable features are their unique color eye and hair color. The tempo teal blue is the dominant feature of the Nagao clan. Their eyes also having a unique shade of orange.

The men are given priority for the missions while the women are only given mediocre jobs because the males do not see women as their equals. Even though the women undergo the same training the men did.


Every child in the Nagao clan starts their ninja training at age 4. Kasumi being no different than the other children started her training, overseeing her training was her mentor/grandmother.

Kasumi went through intense training, it was not uncommon for members to die during their training. According to the Nagao stanards this just meant they were incompetent.

Each mentor taught their students slightly differently. While the core training was the same, each mentor had a distinct style that set the students apart from each other.

Chizue was no different, she was a rigorous teacher demanding nothing less than perfection and always striving for Kasumi to push past her limits and be better. However, instead of cutting out all of Kasumi’s emotions, Chizue left minute traces of anger. Just enough for Kasumi to be able to feel irritated.

Emotions were looked down upon by the clan members. Feelings cause unnecessary noise, which leads to mistakes, hesitation, and failure. There is no need to keep them around it is better for everyone to cut it out. Contrary to this Chizue, with what little sense of emotions she developed had a different view. Emotions are what drives humans to push past their limits and become better, reaching new heights of strength never thought imaginable.

At the age of 10 Kasumi was assigned to a captain, allowing her to go on group missions. It was during her pre-teen years Kasumi would often start going against her captain's orders. While the missions would still be completed, going against orders did not go unpunished. Often being on probation, monitored closely, not being allowed to take missions. Even when Kasumi became of age to go on solo missions the village elder did not allow it. A direct result of her rebellion.

When Kasumi was 15, a new client was escorted into Nagao village. A Blacklist Hunter that went by the name Takeshi. There were reports of a criminal was wandering around the area. Through a recommendation Takeshi came to enlist the aid of the Nagao clan.

Many members and mentors would volunteer their students.Takeshi only needed the aid of one person. To settle things, Takeshi proposed a small demonstration of skills to help him pick a member. Kasumi went against the rules and participated anyways. Takeshi impressed by Kasumi’s abilities decided to pick her for the mission. Much to the elders protest that one of the men would be better suited.

Takeshi disagreed and the two of them went off on their mission. This would mark Kasumi’s first mission without being monitored. To her surprise Takeshi let Kasumi lead. Trusting her judgement since he was not familiar with the area. During their time together Takeshi would tell Kasumi stories of his time as a Hunter. Kasumi found out that there was a completely different world outside the village, one not bound to old traditions and rules.

After her successful mission with Takeshi, Kasumi had a clear goal. Be on your best behavior, regaining trust. Improve your strength, knowledge, watch until the time would be right to leave. That day didn't come until Kasumi was 18 years old. Leaving during the night, chased by other members. Able to fight them off Kasumi made her way towards the hunters exam.

With what little money she managed to get Kasumi used it to get a simple disguise. Changing her appearance to look like a male, so the members wouldn't recognize her. Going by the alias Rin.

It was at the hunters exam Kasumi met Gon, Kurapika, Killua and Leorio. Gon approaching him (her) first got Kasumi involved with their group.


Senbon Needles:
Are Kasumi's weapon of choice. Senbon are metal needles with a point at both ends. These needles are typically used for medical purpose, such as acupuncture. With Kasumi's medical knowledge she can incapacitate, even kill her target.
Kasumi carry's around a single kunai on the off chance she is forced into close combat.

Abilites & Powers

Master Acupuncture:
Kasumi has spent years studying where a humans pressure points are located. Knowing exactly what combinations to hit if she is looking for a specific effect.
Master Precision:
Kasumi is very accurate in her way of attacking, able to hit small targets from long distances. Through her years of training Kasumi is able to hit pressure points or aura nodes from long distances.
Master Strategist:
Always being underestimated by the men in her village Kasumi would often go against their orders during missions. Always having to think on her feet developing ways to complete the mission her way. Kasumi has developed this further capable of coming up with strategies even in the midst of battle.
Immense Speed:
This is one of Kasumi's primary ways of attacking. Kasumi focused on her speed during her training. Knowing that she could not be physically stronger than the men clan members she could be faster than them. Giving her an advantage in battle.
Enhanced Agility:
Through her training Kasumi has become quite agile. Capable of moving at high speeds, jumping large distances, dodging in the air, and attack while not losing her balance.
Enhanced Stamina:
Kasumi is able to run long distances, go through hours of training without breaking a sweat.
Enhanced Endurance:
Kasumi is capable of enduring various levels of physical pain without it hindering her abilities. This stems back to the various training methods she endured. Methods that if captured Kasumi could withstand being tortured.
Advanced Strength:
Kasumi had displayed various degrees of her strength. When Kasumi joined the others to retrieve Killua she was able to open the first door of the testing gate. After the training they all endured. Kasumi considers this one of her weaker stats.
Proficient Hand to Hand Combat:
Trained in various degrees of martial arts. This is not Kasumi' ideal way of combat, only engaging in hand to hand combat when she is forced to do so.

Ninja Abilities

  • Espionage, Infiltration, Assassination, Weapons Master, Floral Arrangement, Traditional Dance.
Fire, Cold, Poison
“Feeling before knowing” The ability to feel a person's state and mind, whether they are hostile or not from intuition.
Herb/ Poison Specialist:
Kasumi knows all the types of herbs and poisons found around her village along with their intended use. This only applies to Kasumi's home because the village hidden deep in the forest. When she is in a new region she doesn't know anything about the plant life there.


  • Conjuration: 100% Transmutation: 80% Enhancement: 60% Manipulation: 60% Emission: 40% Specialization: 1%
    • Aura needles:Kasumi can conjurer needles and use them to hit aura nodes on her opponen's body to make the aura stop flowing for a few hours.
    • Acupuncture needles: Kasumi'sain method of fighting is to use her senbon needles by hitting the opponents pressure points. This can paralysis the opponent even kill them depending on what pressure points are hit.
    • Tracking needles: Small needles are created that can be secretly be attached to opponents or their clothing. Can be combined with In so that they go unnoticed.
    Kasumi can transmute her nen into poison, the more familiar she is with the effects the better the transfer of properties will be. Once she is within a certain range of an opponent she is able to use nen to further pierce the needles into her opponent. A condition with this ability is linked to the difficulty to hit the harder-to-reach pressure points on the opponent. The more difficult, the less time it will take for the poison to start to hinder her opponent. Opponents who have had training with poison themselves are not affected.
    • Healing Acupuncture:Kasumi uses smaller needles and places them on a persons pressure points and uses her aura to help increase the persons healing abilities. Kasumi is unable to heal major injuries. The most she can do is possibly stop/slow down the bleeding.
    Kasumi gives the impression that she is a manipulator based on how she controls her needles always making sure the opponent sees her reaching into her ninja pouch and drawing them out.


Story Arcs Spirit Skill Strength Nen Talent Intelligence
Hunter Exam 3/53/5 2/5 0/5 3/5 3/5
Heavens Arena 3/53/53/53/53/53/5
Yorknew City 3/53/53/53/53/53/5
Nagao Clan 1/54/53.5/55/53.5/52.5/5
Chimera Ant 4/54/54/54/54/54/5
Dark Continent/5/5/5/5/5/5


  • “A world with no traditions or outdated rules. That appears to be a life I would prefer” - Pre Canon
  • (To Leorio) “Despite your appearance you appear to have noble intentions I must commend you on that” -Hunters Exam Arc
  • (To Kurapika) “Put your weapon away and calm yourself. I know of a way to bring down the swelling.” - Hunters Exam Arc
  • (To Main 4) “Do you not communicate via arrow?” - Zoldyck Family Arc
  • (To Cellphone) Annoyed “In theory this device would be useful. Though I have not found it useful. Communication with arrows is far superior” - YorkNew Arc
  • (To Leorio) “I will accept your proposal, once you become a doctor that is.” - YorkNew Arc
  • (To Kurapika) “I have a plan, but the success rate will depend on you. If you will trust me or not” - Ninja Law Arc
  • (To Seren) I am aware you do not like me,despite that I require your assistance." - Nagao Clan Arc
  • (To Zoya) “I give you my thanks. Your nen never ceases to amaze me, assisting me to come back to my senses.” - Nagao Clan Arc
  • (To Goro) “You stole the jewelry, but you are unfit to use it. It is time I end the havoc you have caused on my clan.” - Nagao Clan Arc
  • (To Leorio) “This is how we handle things. How we handle death. This is the way of the Nagao clan. An outsider like you will never understand.” - Nagao Clan Arc
  • (To Leo,Zoya,Seren) “I was not aware that my change of attitude affected the rest of you. I” Hesitates “I apologize for worrying all of you. I will try to rely on you from here on out. I am in your care.” - Nagao Clan Arc
  • (To Killua) “There will always be opponents stronger than you. Despite that, the enemy does not know your capabilities. Use your strengths and get the upperhand” - Chimera Ant Arc


    1. Nagao village is hidden deep in the forest and is protected
      • Only clan members are allowed in with few exceptions
    2. There is a special stone in the Nagao Village.
      • It is said that the stone has special properties
    3. The Nagao clan has been involved with the Phantom Troupe in the past, hired by Chrollo to gather information.
    4. Nagao clan members communicate via arrow
    5. One of Kasumi's specialties is disguises, able to transform her appearance and her personality. Making it extremely difficult for anyone to recognize her.
    6. Kasumi has a habit of twirling the ends of her hair if she feels uncomfortable
      • She developed this habit during the Hunters Exam
    7. During finals of the Hunters Exam Rin was paired to fight against Hanzo
      • Rin won
    8. Kasumi liked Leorio first
      • It takes roughly 2-3 years before they officially get together
    9. Kasumis mother is deceased while her father's location is unknown
      • He was banished from the village

Relationships (Super Summary)

Leorio Paradinight | Relationship: Best Friends/Love Interest

Kasumi considers Leorio one of her closest friends, he is one of the few that can understand how Kasumi feels based on the subtle changes in her eyes.

Seren Llachar | Relationship: Best Friend

It took some time but eventually Kasumi was able to gain a better understanding of Seren and vice versa. Through mutual friends and their efforts, and after a dire event that Kasumi recruited Seren’s help for, it's safe to say their friendship has improved greatly.

Zoya Uteno | Relationship:Close Friend

Kasumi appreciates Zoya for all of the things she has done for her. One moment in particular is when Zoya used her nen to help calm her down. When the events around her were too great for her to deal with alone. Zoya was also one of the driving forces that helped repair Seren and Kasumi’s relationship.

Chizue Nagao | Relationship:Grandmother/Mentor

Kasumi’s Grandmother,mentor, she has been training Kasumi for the past 18 years. Despite Chizue getting on Kasumi’s nerves at times, she respects Chizue greatly. Their attitude towards each other is more along the lines of Master and Student instead of family.