Natsuki Yamaguchi



4 years, 7 months ago


Natsuki Yamaguchi
Shadow in the Street

Age seventeen ( 17 )
Gender male (he/him)
Orientation aro/ace spectrum
Birthday january 2nd
Ultimate street urchin
Alignment true neutral
Demeanor cautious
Nationality japanese

cobblestone streets coins in a fountain a white cane flatcaps alley cats

  • summer
  • juice
  • potatoes
  • skunks
  • cold weather
  • being touched
  • his family
  • compact crowds
Design Notes;

  • all of Natsuki's clothes are over-sized and hang off of him.
  • Natsuki has heterochromia. His left eye is green and his right eye is blue.
  • He's fucking covered in freckles. It's ridiculous.
  • There is heavy scarring across his eyes - it has a different texture than the rest of his skin.
  • Natsuki looks like a walking skeleton most the time. 5'7" and heavily undereight.

  • Natsuki moves.. almost entirely silently. It's kind of freaky.
  • Natsuki's VC is: Takahiro Sakura, specifically as Fakir from Princess Tutu.
  • He's got sticky fingers and likes to pick pockets just kind of because he can.
  • Jesus Christ he can be such a dad sometimes. He has A Voice he uses to scold people.
  • He's basically an old grumpy cat.
Important People;

  • Tanaka Masaru (pseudo-father); The man who took him in when he was originally on his own, Tanaka holds a very special place in Natsuki’s heart. He taught Natsuki how to pick locks, how to pick pockets, and who not to mess with while still maintaining a sense of pride. Natsuki tries to swing by sometimes to bring him gifts and tell him how he’s doing. (deceased)
  • Tamotsu Akamine (fiance); One of the few people he will begrudgingly admit he’s attached to. Tamotsu is... probably the most important person in the world to Natsuki. They met under weird circumstances, but Tamotsu wedged his way into Natsuki's heart and made a permanent home there. He has a hard time admitting it verbally, but... he loves him. Whole-heartedly and entirely.
  • The Kids; a group of street kids that Natsuki takes care of! Listed below.
  • Penny (7); a girl of around seven that is known for catching spare change and finding a downright ludicrous amount of pennies, Penny is a sweet young girl that flits around the streets and helps keep an eye out for anything suspicious to report to Natsuki.
  • Ichi (6); one of the youngest members of the family, Ichi is a young boy that dislikes adults and has an intense discomfort around them due to events that led to him being put on the streets in the first place.
  • Five (8); another one of the younger kids, Five was one of the first out the kids to call Natsuki "boss", and the nickname has mostly stuck since then. She tends to be decently cheerful, and keeps most of the others smiling.
  • Fall (7); one of the clumsiest members, Fall is a shy girl who keeps to herself, who gets nervous around large crowds and tends to keep to herself at most opportunities.
  • Kaoru (8); a mute boy who is more observant than much else, he is fluent in thieves' cant and is known to warn the others of danger when he can note it.
  • Nora (8); a quiet girl who only really talks to the other members of the group. Very quick, probably has the best reflexes of everyone.
  • Phara (9); Parker's twin sister! She's incredibly cheerful and makes it a point to get the younger kids to smile, and works with Parker to do small jobs wherever they can get them.
  • Parker (9); Phara's twin brother. A bit more serious than his sister (but not by much) Parker can be a bit of a clown and is good at organization more than anything else.
  • Castle (11); one of the older kids, at 11, Castle is louder and flamboyant as a means of distracting and drawing attention— he is a top-tier actor, and is the one who teaches the kids to lie and instructs them on how to fake out adults. He's greatly protective of them, and tends to sneak around and spy for money.
  • Silky (13); a short, sneaky boy that is the best contender to take over as the group leader if anything happens to Natsuki. He looks up to Natsuki more than anything and strives to be like him, and took over during the brief point in time where Natsuki couldn't do anything due to his injury
  • Sou Yamaguchi (brother); Fuck off!

  • Tamotsu Akamine; his... boyfriend, he guesses. Definitely his best friend. It was a relief having him there, because Natsuki always felt safer when Tamo was around, but now- ... Well. He broke his promise.
  • more tba!

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code by jiko