Alexei Radcliff



4 years, 6 months ago


wolf in sheeps clothing

Quick Stats

name alexei radcliff
Age nineteen ( 19 )
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
Birthday aug 7th ( 08/07 )
Orient. gay ( )



"whatever you give life, you are gonna get back / why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?"

Alexei is a very cute young man: pretty, charismatic, and smart as a whip, he almost seems perfect at first glance. That said, underneath his saccharine exterior is a cold, apathetic and mean interior. Obsessed with aesthetics and beauty, Alexei doesn't care much for other people's feelings or lives, mostly interested in how beautiful he finds them — and God help you if you catch his attention.

cutesy / apathetic / inquisitive


  • His hair color is naturally a darker brown.
  • He has a mild obssession with cute and pretty things, so he collects stuffed animals and likes to collect resin-encased flowers and other such preserved plants.
  • Alexei dislikes cars and doesn't know how to drive.
  • Alexei typically has people call him nicknames, often defaulting to offering for people to call him "Lex" or "Lexi", although he doesn't press on this if they don't take him up on the offer.
  • Alexei spent a good chunk of his childhood travelling. He was born in London, but has lived notable amounts of time in France, Japan, and the Netherlands.
  • Alexei causes problems with absolutely no remorse, and he cares very very little for how his actions effect other people— unless he likes you, of course.
  • He has pretty bad RBF, but puts a lot of effort into maintaining a more cutesy and approachable "resting" face — it's more like a mask.
  • He's a taxidermist, and has no real response to death, be it to animals or people.


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Owen Radcliff (father); The Radcliff men are at least somewhat estranged— there is mutual love there, but both of them are largely independant and Alexei doesn't often seek out his father unnecessarily.
    • Charlotte Jansen (mother - deceased); Alexei grew up a mama's boy, and as such he and his mother were incredibly close up until her traumatic death. Until her passing, she was Alexei's entire world.
    • Natalia Ashitaka (cousin); Bunny and Alexei were occasional playmates as kids. They interact very rarely due to their changed lives as they get older, and their interactions have always been stilted and cold. Alexei views Bunny as a threat in most cases and simply resolves to keep his secrets from her; he'd rather stay off of her bad side
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Akio Mitsugi (<3); Quite possibly the love of his life, Akio is one of the very few people who have managed to make any kind of breakthrough with Alexei that could influence him to change for the better. Alexei adores Akio greatly, and gets unusually quiet and lovestruck when he is brought up.
    • Maria Montgomery (bestie); One of the kindest and most beautiful women that he has ever met. Alexei is deeply enchanted by Maria and considers her one of his closest friends: he loves her quite deeply and enjoys spending time with her whenever possible.
    • Evie Flores (friend (?)); Sweet and nice to talk to, Alexei enjoys Evie's company and thinks she's a lovely match for Maria. Her soothing and kind-hearted nature often puts Lex at ease and, although they aren't close, he's somewhat protective of her.
    • Ross Sterling (friend); A handsome, easily-flustered boy that Alexei is fond of. They have similar interests, and Lex enjoys his company and spending time with him where he can.
  • MISC;;—
    • Russel Ikeda (childhood friend); Alexei's childhood friend, who he spent a good amount of his childhood with until his mother's passing. Their relationship is currently non-existent, but Alexei often terrorized Russel until they were forcibly separated.
    • Ren Shimizu ("prized"); Introduced through their mutual relationship with Natalia, Alexei finds Ren to be beautiful, graceful, and fascinating. He's slightly obsessed with the idea of her.
    • Pine Malcalester ( - ); :) Bitch.
    • Lukas Perone ( - ); :) Mutt.

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/2016 )
  • Alexei's ears are pierced, and he cycles through a number of earrings: usually sticking to either studs or heart-shaped earrings.
  • Alexei's hair is bleached a pastel pink with slightly lighter tips; he does consistent touch-ups to this to uphold his appearance where he can.
  • He keeps himself almost pristine: nails filed, hair neat, face clear of blemishes and clothes tidy. He is never seen ruffled.
  • Lex is roughly 5'4" - 5'5".
  • He regularly wears makeup, but not enough to be entirely noticable at first glance.
  • His mouth tilts up slightly in the center, giving him a pretty constant ":3" expression.
  • He has heterochromia! The top half of his eyes are a bright blue and the lower half are yellow. He typically has small yellow hearts in his pupils.
  • Lex wears tight clothes a lot of the time, but his fashion sense is specifically to highlight his body shape and legs usually. He tries to keep a good amount of his skin covered throughout the year.