


4 years, 5 months ago


A member of the After School Game Club, Takashi is a junior in highschool and 16 years old. He's the adopted brother of Sho, who's also a junior but is a year older than him. Despite him being Sho's adopted brother, the two happen to have the same eye color! Takashi would emotionally describe it as a sign of their "souls being connected by the red string of fate." That's Tasashi for you- he's very dramatic and expressive!

Takashi has flair and style, and loves attention. He also loves being social and isn't afraid of approaching people. Thanks to being a social butterfly, he's really popular around the school and has lots of friends. But he always saves time for the After School Game Club, despite them being the only people in the school who are into that kind of thing. (That might change, though! More people might start playing the game :D) 

The family he was adopted into (Sho's family, and his family) is very wealthy- they're the family that owns a large chain of pharmacies and medical facilities around Tokyo. While Sho tries to keep a low profile and chooses to walk to school, the flamboyant Takashi arrives to school every day in a limo, almost comedically. (Actually, it's definitely comedic.) He's always up to date with fashion, trends, and sometimes even politics (which seems odd!) He's not quite masculine, but not quite feminine either. Even though he identifies as male, he's breaking social norms of what a male is "expected" to be. 

He's very supportive! While he can brag, and can be a bit overly sure of himself, he has a heart of gold. He's willing to always defend his friends and the club, which is why he's the team's usual defense player in Draconia Online, wielding a large magic cannon and keeping enemies away to defend his friends.

His in-game username is "Luxian".

 Although he's not biologically related to Sho, the two are very, very close, and have a strong bond. Takashi would describe Sho as "the other half of his soul." Being adopted at five years old from a poor, dark orphanage in France, Takashi found the formerly only child of his new family to be his first friend. He felt like he had suddenly be saved from the loneliness, the bullying, and the small, scarce rations of bread. While being a diligent student and serious about work, Sho always found time for Takashi. The two grew on each other, and Takashi grew from a shy, scared five year old to an outgoing, stylish, and optimistic social butterfly. And without Sho's support, it could have never happened.