Rin Matsumoto



4 years, 4 months ago



Name Rin Matsumoto (松本 凛)
Birthday September 22
Age 15
Year 1st Year
Height 161 cm
Love Interest Yukio Kazama
Hometown Kyoto
CV Mai Aizawa

Rin is the prim and proper class representative with a strong sense of responsibility. She has a notable savior complex and often tries to make people happy to the best of her abilities. Despite appearing straight-laced, she's rather childlike and innocent, and is easily impressed by things. She has a not-so-secret bondage kink and also loves to read R-18 books.


  • ribbons
  • BDSM novels
  • being given head pats
  • tempura soba


  • jokes about death
  • unhealthy lifestyles
  • rule-breaking
  • somen


Rin has long dark violet hair and seafoam green eyes. Her most distinctive feature, regardless of hairstyle, is her many ribbons.

At school, she wears a purple cardigan and thigh-high black stockings for the winter uniform. In summer, she wears the regular uniform, but with a red ribbon instead of the standard tie. Her clothes are often cute yet prim, but ribbons are always a mainstay.


Rin is both pure and not pure. She is polite and respectful, quick to admire people, and can be quite gullible at times. But at the same time, she's not embarrassed to talk about her fetishes, doesn't blink an eye at really crass stuff, and reads explicit books, all out in the open. Rin is overall a genuine person who says what she thinks, but she's also rather selfless and doesn't really give much indication of what she wants.

Rin also notably has a huge brother complex, and she idolizes her older brother and currently Tatsuya deeply. Because of circumstances regarding her brother's death, she has also developed a savior and martyr complex, and as such she strives to save people if she can and feels responsible for them. She's often considered as a mom friend: always worrying for others’ health, checks up on them regularly, and is the one to break up fights. As such, she's sometimes considered a meddlesome person.


  • Her blood type is A.
  • Her favorite manga is Prison School.
  • She's a member of the art club.
  • She's in class 1-A along with Mamoru and Yukio.
  • She's ambidextrous, but she prefers using her right hand.
  • She's not good with technology.
  • Her preferred type is an S.



Yukio Kazama  [ Classmate ]

They first met when their homeroom teacher assigned Rin to look for Yukio. While her initial intention was only to get him to attend class, she sees how devoid of life he is and realizes that he is someone she can "save". Thus, she takes it upon herself to look after him and since then basically acts as his caretaker. Because Yukio needs her as well, the two have developed an extreme codependent relationship at first. Rin, even with her obsession with saving Yukio, initially doesn't realize how partial she is towards him, and what it actually means.


Tatsuya Sato  [ Clubmate ]

Both are members of the art club, with Tatsuya being Rin's senpai. Rin actually intended to join a different club at first but after meeting Tatsuya and being invited by him she decided to join the art club instead. From the start, Rin sees her older brother in Tatsuya so she regards him highly. She basically worships the ground he walks on and will not take kindly to people speaking ill of him, not even Yukio.


Mamoru Uehara  [ Classmate ]

They became friends when Mamoru discovered Rin's luck in gacha scouting by accident. Mamoru relies on her for scouting a lot, and while Rin doesn't really understand mobile games much, she's easily impressed and thinks Mamoru's cool for knowing so much about games. She's often worried about Mamoru's health though, so she often reminds him to eat healthy food and to not stay up too late.

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