Donal McCrae



4 years, 1 month ago


Donal Declan McCrae

Born: 1888

Age: 86 (Died in 1974) (He's 73 in his ref)

Height: 6'1

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

Donal moved with his brother Sean to the states in 1904, a year before Merida and her siblings came to the states. With him he brought his girlfriend Ena.

Archie had been visiting with some of the neighbors of the manor when Sean and his brother Donal were being fired by the foreman of the property.
Archie, seeing the poor guys down on their luck, offered them a job hauling freight and furniture for his family, so long as they never asked what exactly it was they were hauling.
Sean agreed immediately, dragging Donal along with him. Archie became fast friends with both Sean and Donal.

When Merida met them, Donal schemed to set her and his brother up because he fuckin' knew his brother adored her. It worked.

After turning 21 he'd saved enough money from working for the Diodatos to open up a pub in Quilicene. The Diodatos happily supported his business, and in return they're a front for the Diodatos real business dealings.

Donal is friendly, warm, and outright lovable. He and Ena had six kids, and he employed all of them as soon as they were old enough. They all adore their father and were more than happy to work at the pub. He helped to raise Ferdinand, and continued to help out with the gardening at the manor.

His scars are mostly from growing up on a farm and just general accidents... He wasn't exactly graceful.