Luther McCrae



4 years, 1 month ago


Luther Rowan McCrae

Born: 1940

Age: 38 (He's 21 in his Ref)

Height: 5'5

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star sign: ??????

Luther is the comedic relief of the family, and will occasionally break the fourth wall, he can make just about anyone's day brighter, much like Dale, but is also much less intimidating.

He helps the Diodatos train their hounds, basset and blood alike, and has been known to join them in tracking people down as well. He's terrifyingly good at it for someone so sweet.

He's a father of two, Lucas and Finnegan, who are oddly enough NOT twins. Lucas had a stutter since birth, but with speech therapy has gotten a good manage over it. Lucas works as a gardener for the Diodatos, meanwhile Finnegan takes after his father as a tracker.

Luther will give a person the clothes off his back if he felt they needed them, he's very generous and kind but will not hesitate to cut a bitch if they pis off his family.

His scars come from the basset hounds as well.