Redmond McCrae



4 years, 1 month ago


Redmond Doyle McCrae

Born: 1936

Age: 46 (1982) (He's 25 in his Ref)

Height: 6'1

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

Donal's oldest son, Redmond is the peacekeeper among his siblings, and inherited the pub from his father when he retired. He runs a tight ship, but still holds the same calm and friendly aura that his father had. Drunks will calm down pretty quick with just a glare from Red.

Redmond has four kids of his own, his oldest son being entirely ready to take over after his dad. The other three all have a keen interest in the Diodato's family business, and Red doesn't exactly like it but he trusts them and his extended family enough that he won't stop them. 

He and Ferdi are very close, and have been since Red was born.

His scars mostly come from breaking up bar fights, though he's been shot once in the arm by accident by police who were also trying to deal with a bar fight.
Not in his bar though.