Murdoch McCrae



4 years, 4 months ago


Murdoch Conor McCrae

Born: 1939

Age: 39 (He's 22 in his ref)

Height: 6'3

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

Murdoch and his twin sister Morna really look up to, and adore their cousin Ferdinand. Murdoch however, did not get terribly involved with the Diodatos side of the business, preferring to work with Redmond at their father's pub. He does raise basset hounds for the Diodatos, but he takes no part in tracking.

Murdoch is quiet, friendly, and suspiciously charming. Unfortunately for him, he's also a magnet for dangerous people. He's dated a serial killer, two assassins, and a bank robber. This has earned him the nickname of Murder from his siblings. 

He has three kids of his own, a twin sons Brian and Grady, and a daughter named Norah. Brian taking up art, Grady becoming a cook like his dad, and Norah, much to Murdoch's dismay, working with the assassins unit of the Diodato family.

His main hobby is drawing, and he's the one who designed his sisters tattoo, as well as Thomas and Rosa's. He's best at birds and flowers, though he has more than a few amazing drawings of female models.

His scars primarily come from his little pack of bassets.