


3 years, 11 months ago



beautiful • transcendent • insecure
Basic Info
Height6'07" feet
Speciesprogenitor demon
Gendercis male
Romantic Orientationpanromantic
Sexual Orientationpansexual
Relationship Statustaken

Color Palette



Azrael is one of the six progenitor demons, and is a former seraphim who participated in the First War. Known as the "Angel of Death" to humanity, his appearance is said to be so beautiful that seeing him is rumored to bring people to tears. There are some legends that claim that if he appears before a human, they're destined to die sometime soon, and is seen as a harbinger of bad luck. However, although he wields a great scythe and is known to appear to humans, he does not bring misfortune with him, at least not intentionally. Rather, he simply enjoys spending time among humans when possible, and often appears to those who are suffering in an attempt at soothing their pain. His frequent appearance on battlefields is perhaps how he came to be known so poorly.

Design Notes
  • azrael often looks like he's crying, or generally looks very gentle
  • his wings are well taken care of and have a healthy sheen to them
  • he is often depicted with a scythe

As an angel, Azrael was always somewhat out of place, especially amongst the other seraphim. He has always been quiet, and typically loathes combat, although his skill in doing so is what got him assigned his role in the first place. He moves with an inherent grace that few can mimic, and his fighting style resembles a sort of loose dance. However, he was always viewed from afar and was one of the few angels who was often left out of communal activities, as he had a tendency to distance himself and there was no one around to try to bring him back in. Upon hearing the news that the Sleeping Gods had abandoned all angels, Azrael became heartbroken, and was said to have wept for months after.

Upon meeting Lucifer and hearing of her plans to incite the first war, Azrael's first instinct was to shy away from the combat; however, she led him to be able to see the most beautiful parts of the universe and allowed him to believe in something again - life. Suddenly finding himself surrounded by comrades and people who cared about him, Azrael fought a hard war in pursuit of making his own happiness. During the last battles, he was introduced to a fellow rebel known as Alastor, whose deviant and confident personality had him enamored. Azrael nearly died in an attempt to save Alastor's life, and although they ended up losing the war, the two of them have become incredibly close- closer, perhaps, than any other progenitors are with one another.

  • Physical touch
  • Companionship
  • Cherries
  • Earth's sunrises
  • Being left alone
  • Failure
  • Dreaming
  • Vulnerability
  • Azrael suffers from a crippling inferiority complex and abandonment issues, and often becomes self-deprecatory if he feels isolated or useless.
  • He cries a lot and tends to be quiet, but around people he's comfortable with, he's revealed to have a gentle, kind, and charming personality. He also adores jokes, and often asks the people around him to tell him some.
  • He spends a lot of time on the Terrestrial Plane, and his hobby is people-watching. Most people can't see him unless he allows them to, but sometimes he pretends to be human so he can experience their joys alongside them.
  • Azrael, despite being often viewed as fragile, is a fearsome warrior whose combat sense and fighting skill are difficult to match. He becomes very protective of the weak or those who are precious to him, and has learned to not shy away from fighting for what's important.