
4 years, 18 days ago




Vice is street smart, quick, and cunning. He is a master theif and will often steal his friends stuff for shits and giggles, waiting to see how long until they notice their things are missing. Vice is confident in everything that he does and has no self doubt that he can accomplish anything asked of him. He is terrified of flibbs and other familiars, that is the only time his confidence fades from existence. Vice's favorite jobs are anything that include stealing, but he also likes jobs where he can be undercover, picking up juicy tea about other groups and giving the info to Tozoku and Mizuki with much gusto. When he isn't working, Vice is constantly on dating apps like Fated, and Matching Cards, desparte to find a partner to spend his rare free time with. He has a softer side to him when tending to flowers and plants and will give cuttings and sapplings to those he feels a strong connection with. He has shower Mizuki in about 50 plants alone.

Has a small plant buisness on the side, nothing too crazy. Dreams of owning his own greenhouse where he can import tropical plants, as he admires their hardiness. Vice will also get mad or annoyed if the plant pups he's given to others are in poor care and will pout for days, if he feels theres been no improvement in their care, he will take them back and never give that kemata a plant again. He also likes to teach simple plant care classes with kits. One, to educate on proper plant care, and 2, to find the mate of his dreams. He's a big dreamer.In reality, Vice has a hard time with commitment and gets overlwhelmed and stressed out, he has yet to find a kem that exceeds the first date status.


Vice was recruited after being held captive by Kiba. He attempted to steal Kiba's most prized posession, his Limited edition, leather bound and hand embossed Novella collection of 'Hopelessley Smitten', A beloved Wintertide gift from Mizuki. Vice had heard about its high value price and intended to sell it on PAWnbay for a heafty price. Unfortunatley for him, Kiba was and still is, a master in whoppin ass. Vice got the beatdown of his life and was held captive for two days. Offered to join the gang in exchange for his freedom, at first the group was skeptical and always had another kem tailing him to ensure he wasnt out to betray them. But eventually gained their trust, even if he still steals items for teh lulz to this day.


Stigma The Exception
Stigma is Vice's most trusted and beloved friend. Unlike other kems, he does not steal from him, as he feel even playful stealing would break their trust in two. Even when he's tempted, he has taught himself to be able to hold back, as he truly treasures their friendship. Stigma always makes Vice laugh, his behivor oddly cute and puppy like. And he has a hard time saying no to him for anything. The reason the two became such close friends is because Stigma "saved" Vice from a "wild pack" of flibbs that were "chasing" him (they were eating and minding their own buisness but it just so happened to be infront of his home). Stigma barked at all of them to chase them off, and ever since then, Vice has stuck by his side.

Tristen Mr. HypeBeast
Tristen is the Kem that Vice loves to steal from the most, given his reaction when his items go missing, and going on about how high valued they are. However, Vice is always sure to maintain the quality and cleanliness of the items, making sure nothing creases or bends. He once returned an item to him, which he didnt even steal by the the way, to Tristen. The hat in question had a small crease in the bill and he violently beat Vice's ass. Violently, he couldn't walk for a week. Outside of his petty theft, Vice actually loves to hear about Tristen's interest in hypebeast merch and often considers going into the hated resale market to make some pretty opals. He'd never tell Tristen though.

Reza Bloodhound
Reza is the kem that Vice would rather avoid after his petty thieving from other gang members lead Reza to sniff him out and catch him,leading to multiple ass beatings. That man has such a good nose, it makes Vice sick!Still though, He will sometimes steal things and play "hide and seek" with Reza when he's bored, and thinks if they were friends when they were kits, they would have been super close. Reza is a good friend to him though, and often tries to set him up with dates for friends of friends, never letting anyone too close to his inner circle. Vice tries to remind Reza that its ok to keep work and life seperated and that he shouldn't feel bad about it. Helping Reza to build his confidence inside, versus the mask that he always displays.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Pan
demeanour Grabby paws
job Thief
Age 22

designed by King-Monhwa
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Stealing for teh lulz
  • Gardening
  • The scent of soil
  • Chicken and Waffles
  • Passion fruit and Mango Boba
  • Plant diseases, root rot especially
  • bland food
  • Misplacing items
  • All Familiars
  • Plant Husbandry
  • Dating Apps
  • Phone games
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