


6 years, 8 months ago




Okubu is a pessimist through and through. He sees the world as dark and cold and often questions the meaning to others actions. He maintains a cold expression and doesn't allow others close to him. There is always an exception to that rule, and that is through his mate, Kou. The two are inseparable and when they aren't with one another, the mood is obvious as Okubu is in a short tempered mood and will snap at anyone over anything. Okubu believes in doing a good job no matter what is asked, but will complain about it at the end of everything. Okubu's job is forcing information out of others, its how Kou and Okubu ended up meeting, being paired together to torment others in order to benefit Red Dragon. Okubu loves mind games and trying to understand the mental process of kems.

While Okubu can use some underhanded tactics on hostages and enemies, he tries his best not to over analyze his members and leaders. Sometimes finds himself reading /too much/ into their body language, eye placement, and voice inflections.He finds it hard not to judge a kem when they speak to him, or look deeper than just face value when he understands how the kemata brain ticks. While this trait of his is negative, it's also a positive trait for him. He is a great advice giver and can tell a kem when he notices things that bother them, things they may be afraid of, or surprised and excited about. Okubu dreams of being a proper psychiatrist one day, but isnt sure if it would be a good fit for him. On free days, Okubu can be found curled up next to Kou watching EbiRoll (anime streaming), going out on dates such as parks and zoos, and studying, studying, studying. he is always studying sociology, as there's always room to improve his craft.


Okubu was one of the first Lackeys that Mizuki picked up when he started his branch for Red Dragon. Okubu was on the same team as Mizuki and gained his trust with time. Okubu never really felt any type of loyalty to Mizuki at the time, but has grown to rely on and respect his leader. This choice led him to meet Kou, and he remains eternally, but silently, grateful.


Kou The ground
Okubu never imagined he would have a mate, and never once desired or needed one. His relationship with Kou really took him on a roller coaster ride that he never expected. Teaching him things about himself that he wishes to improve, building aspirations and dreams, and even hoping for a change in the future. Before Kou, Okubu always saw things dimly, negatively, and without a purpose. Every day was the same, day in and day out, and the only thing that kept Okubu going was knowing he could control the minds of others with just his words. Kou showed him a brighter side to the world. A side that Okubu never stopped to see, where trees shine with golden lights, snow brights the colors of the things striving to live. And that all kematas are more than just a husk for a brain. He has grown to slowly appreciate life more and those around him. Trying to overcome his negative outlook on life and moody side, and tries hard to learn patience and understanding. There is still a side to him that is judgemental and it keeps them both safe. Kou is his most reliable partner, not only in crime, but in life.

Tillo Lovesick Puppy
Okubu often looks at Tillo and wonders, "would that be me if I didnt mind PDA like Kou?" He often hears out Tillo when he gushes about his wife, listens to his worries, and often gives him helpful life advice. Is genuinely surprised when Tillo not only accepts his advice, but puts it to practice. Okubu wishes that Tillo will be able to exist gang life with no issues once he and his wife settle down to have kits. He know he would be a wonderful father. Sometimes Okubu wants to relax and be more open with his relationship with Kou, he often finds himself asking Tillo for advice in return. The two have a sort of friendship, though Okubu isn't sure he would call it that.

Asterisk Ball of Anxiety
Being around Asterisk makes Okubu not only annoyed, but he feels like Asterisk's anxiety rubs off on him rather easily. Okubu has tried to offer some peace of mind to Asterisk but the hard headed kem seldom listens. For some reason they are often paired together and Okubu has no choice but to deal with Asterik's anxious outburts and worries. He hates that he knows how to soothe this kemand would rather he left the gang life so that the kem could have peace of mind.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Bi
demeanour Observant
job Info Gathering (brains)
Age 32

designed by Nuka-Cola
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Studying Psychology
  • Games
  • Binge watching anime
  • Cloud Watching
  • Pumpkin Porridge
  • Anxious kems
  • PDA
  • Cilantro
  • leaving bed
  • Studying
  • Anime Analyzing (working on making a Mewtube for that)
  • Kemata Watching