


3 years, 5 months ago


co-owned with pepsy


Ritchie is a spoiled brat, stuck up, and absoloutley snobby. He knows the gang life is beneath him but its some of the best money to fund his life style. He dreams of being someone's sugar baby someday so that he can quit the filthy life of a gang member and sit around, looking beautiful and being admired like the piece of art that he is. Ritchie enjoy's lounging about and reading "romance" novels, surfing the internet, and online shopping. Every time payday hits, he'll be away on a shopping spree. Very much a diva when it comes to fahsion sense and is never seen wearing the same thing twice. His role in the group is drug peddler, he has a very different persona when he's working, quiet, well behaved, and sharp eyed. He's not much of a fighter but he knows how to use his claws. Will complain if he gets any blood on him, and hates how flesh feels under his claws.

Ritchie can get along with others when he feels like it, mostly he is standoffish and judgey to everyone around him. Rolling his eyes at stupid remarks, giving disgusted faces at others opinons, and gagging when he finds a suggestion down right bad. However, he has three friends that keep him tied to this gang life, and those three being Arun, Reza, and Vengi. The four are such chaos, that the gang refers to them as "The Storm of Four", there is never a moment of silence with these four together. Originally it was just Ritchie, Arun, and Vengi, but Reza is a new addition. He's still a bit standoffish but they still have lots of fun together, forcing Reza to join them.


Ritchie got into the gang for the money, but he's always known he's destined for more. The rhinestone collar and trophy husband life are what he dreams most of, but would settle for just sugar baby.


Arun Boyfriend Material
Arun is a lot in one package. Competitive, playful, positive, bright, and overly flirtatious. He often tells Ritchie that he will one day become rich so the can fufill Ritchie's dream of being a trophy husband. Ritchie always takes this with a grain of salt and has a hard time determining if Arun is genuine in his affection or not. Arun is ALWAYS flirting with Ritchie, be it when things are calm or in the midst of battle, his sweet nothings always cause Ritchie to fluster and turn bright red and the overwhelming emotions tend to make him lash out at the nearest bystander. Arun keeps Ritchies life fun and spicy, often sweeping Ritchie off of his feet with his words, and with his actions. Ritchie would be lying if he said he didn't have the itsy, bitsy, teeniest, tiiiiniest little crush on Arun. As far as the group of 4 goes, Arun is like the leader, keeping the peace between all the members and coming up with fun ideas to do on their days off.

Reza Popufur
Reza is rather distant from the friend group, as he's made it well known he prefers not to get too involved with his "co-workers" as he'd like to leave his work and personal life seperate. He still managages to spend time with the other boys and will even set weekends aside to go on adventures with them, but he really tries his best to make sure that they never cross paths with those from his own inner circkle, always afraid to be outcasted from his friends and "cancelled" from his following. Reza ALWAYS has to take photos of any meals before eating and no one can be in the shot, it can be really annoying for Ritchie but he gets it, aesthetics are important. Ritchie really likes having Reza around, His confidence rubs off easily on Ritchie and the two often discuss their care routines for their fur and hair. Reza also keeps Ritchie in the loop on the newest fashion trends, and often asks for his opinion on possible outfits he's interested in and if it will fit Reza's style and fur color.

Vengi Crackhead
Vengi's boundless enegry and constant fighting really leave Ritchie Amused, all the time, every time! The group typically gets onto him for not fully listening or forgetting what was told to him. They suspect he has ADHD but the kem is too prideful to see a doctor about it and doesnt see it as a hinderance to his life. Vengi also cuts other members off when they're talking, which always earns him a quick bap to the nose or ears. Its a habit he's trying to slowly get over but he worries he'll forget what he's talking about if he doesnt say whats on his mind right away! Despite his extraness, Vengi always has great stories to tell, and the group love his world and character building and always check in with him about any updates hes cooked up! While Vengi loves to fight and start fights, he has sworn to never bring harm to his three, most beloved friends.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Pan
demeanour Self-Important
job Drug Peddling
Age 22

designed by Stellamei
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Shopping
  • Fashion
  • Being spoiled with gifts
  • Praise
  • Uni
  • Working
  • Gang life
  • Getting dirty
  • Being poor
  • Fashion Trends
  • High quality clothing and collars
  • Hair styling