


2 years, 9 months ago




Aarush is a little hot headed and quick to anger. He likes to think he's a cool kid though even when easily annoyed. Constantly screaming at anything that bothers him to the point of his voice cracking. Although Aarush can be a bit firey, he knows when to take a situation serious and when to keep his attitude in check. He has a soft spot for flibbs and continously brings them into the hideout, which gets him dirty looks from Kiba, who would rather not have animals in the hide out as theyre messy. Aarush loves to have spicy food eating contests with Tozoku and the two always seem to regret it at the end of their contests, unable to eat for the next day or two. Aarush feels like he doesnt have a tragic backstory like many of the other kems, and didnt feel he had to join a gang to make ends meet. he alway thought gang life would be fun, only to find out its actually really really annoying. Would be an animal hoarder if it was allowed, instead, spends his free time volunteering at familiar shelters, really just uses it as an excuse to cuddle with the flibbs. Did he mentioned he has allergies? Lots and lots of allergies to every familiar that exists...


Aarush was recruited by Kiba after Aarush outran him and put up a good fight. Aarush was originally part of a smaller gang but enjoyed Kiba's determination, the two would always end up fighting eachother and eventually grew to respect him deeply and requested to join. Joined gangs for the fun of it, never had a real reason to join, just thought it would be cool! Turns out its a lot more work and everyone gets on his nerves. Always, and he means EVERYONE. Looking at you Tozoku >:c.


Auraq Tolerable guy
Out of all of Wild Tiger, Aarush doesn't have such a firey temper with this kem. He has been a reliable partner, and helps to keep Aarush's temper down with just a simple look. This is due to his constant complaining, but Aarash took it as a way to improve himself, if it meant that Aaruq would shut the fuck up for once. Even with his wining, Aarush likes having Auraq around, he keeps the air lively and can smooth over Aarush's quick temper with a simple joke. He also doesn't allow others to start fights with Aarush and knows that spicy food helps to colm Aarush's nerves as well.

Zestra Teacher
Zestra was the first kem that Aarush worked with when they were under Red Dragon. Zestra has taught him all their is to mastering their enemies moves, reading their body language, and taking them by surprise. He's also taught Aarush ways to keep his temper calm through self meditation and letting out his frustrations through a creative outlet. Currently that outlet is eating spicy food soooo hot, it can burn the tongue and throat. Zestra reccomends finding an outlet that does not inflict self harm and also brings a sense of peace. Aarush is considering learning how to play guitar and write song lyrics for his outlet.

Jagera Lazy Prick
Nothing irritates Aarush more than kems who don't pull their weight. He often has full blown arguments with Jagera when he decides its time to bail on something mid mission, or before the mission starts. He hates to be paired with him but is often paired with him for some reason. Something about "His patience could teach you a thing or two." But Aarush senses no patience from this slacker, and only gets the feeling of uselessness when he works with him. He'd rather do a job by himself, with his front paws tied behind his back, than work with Jagera again.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/him
orientation Straight
demeanour Hot-Headed
job Lookout
Age 25

designed by Grave
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Spicy Food
  • Running
  • Studying Others
  • Familiars
  • Flibbs
  • Stupid Kems
  • Dumb Ideas
  • Shy Kems
  • Honestly hatse most kems
  • Gaming
  • Competitions with Tozoku
  • Mangas and Anime
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