
6 years, 9 months ago




Kou is a playful guy, essentially like a grown kit. He loves to play small pranks on others and always makes any situation out to be funny, no matter how dark or painful it really is. He has an overly positive mindset for a criminal and always sees things on the brighter side. His favorite past time is harrassing his mate, Okubu, and having deep conversation about life, as Okubu is very much the opposite of Kou. Both do everything together and are never apart, when they are separated, you can see a shift in mood, Kou becomes very quiet and serious as he worries for Okubu constantly. Job wise, Kou is part of the msucle in the group. His heavy paws can land a powerful blow and his sharp fangs are nothing to sneer at. He's often used to torment clients that owe large amounts of funds to Red Dragon. Even while he's tormenting others he will try to give them life advice, he's pretty bad at reading the room. Kou is also very very oblvious and things go over his head quiet often. He doesn't get most jokes and has a hard time processing a lot of information at once. He can't tell when kems are using him and doesn't really understand Sarcasm much either, as he's an at face value type of kem. Also has an UNGODLY amount of "motiviational" posters that he hangs all around the hideout, his favorite ones being the "hang in there" types. Everytime he tries to hang up a new one, someone comes and threatens him. The main complainer being Twister, stating that its "tacky".

Kou loves doing volunteer work and often can be found helping to build homes for homeless kems, giving out food to those in need, and cleaning up trash in parks. Because of these kind tendencies, no one ever pins him for being a criminal that gets his heavy paws bloodied. Kou is also very religious and is a devout follower of the Creator. He loves to have deep conversations with Asami regarding the purpose of Kematas and their true role in Val-shenn.


Was once a Life coach who got caught up in too much debt. A handsome kemata trailed him down for owed money, and when he beat him with ease, the handsome kem, now his mate, Okubu, scurried off. Okubu tried many times to get the owed funds to no avail. Eventually Okubu suggested to Kou that he join their gang to rid himself of his debt to the Red Dragon and that he could join his division. Mizuki and Kiba loved his bright and optomistic personality and showed him the ropes. Kou was promised his partnership with Okubu and the two grew inseperable, he also discovered his love for fighting and info gathering, but could never forget the part of him that wishes to see the best in others.


Okubu The Stars and the Moon
Not only was Okubu the reason for Kou joining Red Dragon, he is also the reason that Kou can see the world in a wider perspective. Okubu teaches Kou so many things he never knew he needed in life. He is also so handsome, smart, observant, and charming that Kou can't help but be absoloutley smitten by anything he does. While Okubu prefers not to have PDA, Kou is the opposite and often crawls and climbs all over Okubu while he maintains a stone face in reaction to these public displays of affection. Kou must always be touching Okubu in some way, even if its just one toe bean touching his paw. Often gives him heartfelt and loving compliments, calling him the Moon, the stars, and his whole starry skies. Most kematas cringe when Kou gets gushy like this.

Ritchie Snot Nosed punk
Kou can't tolerate Richies stuck up and self-important personality. He also finds his constant complaining about gang life being beneathe him to be unproductive and constantly asks how he plans to better his life. His response of being a "sugar baby" makes him physically sick, not because hes opposed to the idea itself, but because he sees this as the "easy way out". and feels Ritchie has much more potential to his life than he lets himself to believe. Ritchie always tells him that it "isn't that deep" but Kou finds it hard to accept this answer. He wants to try and befriend him somehow and to give himself some reason to do better for himself and by himself, instead of relying on someone else to build his future for him.

Daikon Lead Rapper Daikon
Kou LOVES Daikon's energy, passion, and self motivation. He sees Daikon like the brightest light anyone can see, like when you open the fridge door in the middle of the night and all that stands out is the fridge light, yes just like that. Daikon actually feels super comfortable with Kou and loves to show him his song progress and rap concepts. Kou is always eager to hear them and gushes like a little fan buy, but can also offer some constructive criticism that really gets Daikons brain juices going. The two are really unstoppable together and Daikon always jokes about Kou becoming his Producer/director.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Gay
demeanour Go-Getter
job Info Gathering (Muscle)
song 32

designed by Nuka-Cola
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Okubu
  • "Hang In There" Familiar Signs
  • Star Gazing
  • Volunteer work
  • Waffles with Bananas and Chocolate chips
  • Negative Mindsets
  • Misunderstanding jokes
  • Burnt Food
  • Kems who hate his "hang in there" posters
  • Motivational writing
  • Lyric concepts with Daikon
  • Motivational Speeches