


2 years, 8 months ago




Twister is a very insecure kem. He doesn't believe things will ever go his way, unless he shoulders the burden alone and does everything by himself. He is reluctant to meet strangers or make new friends. He's used to hard work and an independent thinker. When faced with a problem his go to method is to panic a little and then hunker down and solve it. Tends to lash out if he feels overwhelmed. Can be grumpy, but he really just wants to be loved on and taken care of.

In the presence of his friends and family, he is bashful and lets others make the decisions, but only because he doesn't know how to speak up.

Although Twister's original goal for being apart of the Red dragon has had a slight change, He knows his loyalties lie with Tozoku and Kiba and will support whatever ideas they see fit. Although he's ok with causing harm to others and possibly killing from time to time, the thoughts of his actions do haunt him, he can lash out and has a hard time working through his emotions.

Twister has a small secret base behind the arcade, a small green house where he focuses on tending to plants and vegetables. Cultivating has always been a part of his life and reminds him of times when his family was once whole. He will hide away in his greenhouse after long and stressful days.

When the days are hot and long, Twister loves to eat watermelons, as they feel refreshing to the tummy. He can also make a mean Potato salad.


Twister grew up having a pretty normal life: A mom, dad, two sisters, and a farm. Life was great until his dad got scammed into a big loan that he couldn't pay off. Things soured between his parents and his mom divorced, taking his sisters with her. Twister volunteered to stay, dropping out of school to help his dad earn money for payments. One day, a loan shark comes to collect, but dad is drunk and hysterical. The loan shark gets impatient and sets fire to the farm.

Loan shark and dad scuffle, resulting in dad being fatally injured. Just before the final blow is dealt, Twister comes in with a back hoe and kills the loan shark. Dad reveals the loan shark came from the red dragon and that Twister must now keep a sharp eye on his sisters and mother to ensure their safety.

Ever since then, Twister decided to infiltrate the Red Dragon as a low level worker all while using it as a cover to protect his family from the Red Dragon higher ups. Has a personal vendetta against the Red Dragon and wants to see it burn.

Kiba and Tozoku took him in as their friend when he first came in, as he seemed lonely. It was hard acting alone and he recognized in Tozu a will similar to his own. He eventually confides in them his true thoughts and why he joined. Their support is what allows him to keep fighting.

Twister has a good relationship and fond memories with his oldest sister Reign, but he regrets not having very many memories with his youngest sister, River. He gets the most correspondences from Reign, she often fills him in on her life happenings and things going on with River and their mother as well.


Tozuku Kindred Spirit
Twisters Kindred Spirit. Tozoku gets on Twister's nerves sometimes, but only because Twister sees in Tozoku what he wants to see in himself; alas, untapped. Twister's council was probably the nail in the coffin to make Tozu branch off from the Red Dragon.
At first, Twister saw Tozu as nothing more than a means to an end. But Tozu was always on his side during Kiba's cyber bullying and always seemed to sense Twister's emotions. Especially whenever he was anxious. As a result, Twister is very protective of Tozoku and Kiba.
Tozoku hate's twisters mullet and thinks he should style it into a pompadour. Tozoku always has hair stylists at the ready whenever Twister wants to change his mind.

Trust Tozoku enough to be vulnerable in his presence, and is always willing to let Tozoku pry to find out whats on his mind. Tozoku is very "supportive" of Twister's rambling and will let him go on for as long as his heart desires.


Kiba The Sun
Kiba brings out the best and the worst in Twister. Probably the only kem that can truly get under his skin. When Twister first met kiba, he did NOT want to be friends, but Kiba was persistent. Sometimes Twister will get so spun up by Kiba that he can say what he's really thinking. Or he can become very playful due to him passing the braincell around with his bros.
He thinks Kiba should act a bit more mature at times, but in reality, he wouldn't change him for the world. Twister enjoys trolling Kiba in any type of video games, intentionally learning glitches and cheat codes to make himself invincible or have unlimited ammo as he completely wrecks Kiba. He loves seeing Kiba getting riled up to the point of cussing him out in spanish.
Twister also has a hard time accepting that Kiba can be secretive sometimes with his emotions and his past. He wants him to feel safe and comfortable with them and to be able to trust him and Tozoku whole heartedly.

Criminal Damage Rival Gang
Twister tries to keep his distance from Tomoes crew, Criminal Damage, he doesn't really give himself a chance to talk to Tomoe. Whenever he does see Criminal Damage it's on sight! He doesn't like them because Tozoku doesn't like them. If asked, he would have no real opinions on them, they're annoying, but so are most kems.


Asami The 3rd Sister
Twister doesn't like Asami at first. He thinks she's naiive, and therefore, a danger to Tozoku. He does eventually grow to tolerate her, he consults with her about his green house and cultivation skills. The two form a small bond over their love of plant husbandry, often coming to one another for advice on things one might not be familiar with. He also has a tendency to pay attention to things she likes, using it as a reference to build a stronger relationship with his younger sister.

Twister finds Neshki's one sided pining to be pathetic and thinks very little of him, at first. He doesn't think Tozu should waste any time befriending the mute kem either. But, he has a change of heart when Neshki shows how resilient he is. Occasionally will show kindness to Neshki's chicks.

King The Fan Club
Twister actually really likes King, even though Tozoku is annoyed by him. Twister likes to hang out with King and talk about how much they both think Tozu is so cool. Well, it started that way, but now they talk like good friends and usually have dinner together. King likes to consult Twister for advice, and Twister tends to ignore Tozoku's complaining about how much time Twister spends with that "blue haired annoyance."
Their bond grew during *Tournament ark name* when Tozoku started gaining a loyal following. Both would actively collect and trade for merch of Tozoku, developing the first "I love Tozu" fan club. Both run and operate group orders for custom Tozoku merch, such as Cheering towels, photo card sets, and light sticks.
Twister can also be found in Starcadia when he has down time, unbeknownst to Tozoku. He is the main source of income for Starcadia and keeps the doors open. He thinks that they have way better game options than Round of Arcadia, but would never say it aloud.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He / Him
orientation ???
demeanour Insecure
job Right Hand
Age 26

designed by King-Monhwa
species creator King-monhwa

  • Slingshots and Guns
  • Farming
  • Lassoing animals and monsters, but especially kems
  • His hat, and LOVES his mullet
  • Country friend steak with gravy and mashed taters
  • Spicy food
  • Rude and disrespectful Kems
  • Other gangs
  • Seeing Kiba or Tozoku in pain
  • Farming Agriculture
  • Plant Husbandry
  • Leader of Tozoku's Fanclub
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