Yuuki Naegi



3 years, 11 months ago


Role: 4th killer

Age: 18

Pronouns: They/them (nonbinary)

Sexuality: Aromantic

Birthday: April 1 (Aries)

Title: Ultimate Street Fighter (Class 99)


  • Komaru Naegi (mother)
  • Kanon Nakajima (mother)
  • Toko Naegi (stepmother)
  • Hayabusa Naegi (brother)
  • Jataro Kimura (brother; adopted)
  • Aki Kuwata (cousin)
  • Masaru Daimon (cousin; adopted)
  • Nagisa Daimon (cousin; adopted)
  • Monaca Towa (cousin; adopted)
  • Makoto Kuwata (uncle)
  • Leon Kuwata (uncle)
  • Miyuki Naegi (grandmother)
  • Kappei Naegi (grandfather)

Bio: Yuuki had always been a fairly angry and difficult child. Along with Hayabusa’s special treatment, their anger only built up. To get their anger out, their mothers signed them up for self-defense and boxing classes. With a natural affinity for it they surpassed their classes, and began fighting on the streets in the same circles Hayabusa would to establish their dominance over their brother. They gained the title of Ultimate Street Fighter after Kyoko noticed their name thrown around quite a bit, and their style caught on many security cameras and recruited them into the Ultimate program. During the game, after they murder Taiyo, it’s revealed that most of their anger and hatred towards Hayabusa was only a front for attention, begging for Hayabusa to save them before they’re dragged to their execution. 

Personality: Yuuki is a very angry child. Though they do have anger issues, their resentment for the world around them only increased when they saw their brother, Hayabusa, get special treatment for being traumatized. Not truly understanding why Hayabusa got this special treatment from their mothers, they began to believe they were the only one on their side in this world. However, underneath their anger, they're an insecure and scared child, with genuine love for their family that they refuse to acknowledge. They’re outwardly cocky, fiery and always willing to start or jump into a fight. 

Appearance: 5’0, 100 lbs. They have bleached wiry hair with brown roots that sticks up in weird angles, along with an ahoge similar to Makoto’s. They have a slim, toned figure, and are slightly underweight. They wear a maroon tank top with bandages over their chest, and a ripped sleeve of a spiked leather jacket on their right arm. They wear black leather fingerless gloves with spikes on the knuckles, denim shorts with a wallet chain, a knee brace and combat boots. On one foot they wear bandages, on the other, a white sock with red stripes. They wrap bandages around their lower legs and arms to reduce blisters and other injuries. They have a multitude of small scars and injuries littered over themselves at all times from their fights. 


  • Their parents: Outwardly, they front anger, disdain and even hatred for their mothers. However, the truth is it’s mostly for attention so Hayabusa wasn’t the only one receiving it after they believed that they simply favored Hayabusa. They do love their mothers, though.
  • Hayabusa: Hayabusa gets the brunt of their hatred. While it’s usually the older sibling bullying the younger, the roles are reversed with these two. Even with Hayabusa’s size over Yuuki, they still manage to win their fights, even with Hayabusa’s own skill in fighting. Yuuki believes that there’s a constant competition between the two, and that Hayabusa’s winning, leading them to be angrier and more spiteful at their brother.

Notes: They have BPD and anger management issues.