


3 years, 4 months ago


  • Doa

  • Age ???
  • Species God (Deified Kretyaa)
  • Gender None
  • Pronouns he/him
  • Kretyaa Name Rayaajr
|| Deity of Judgement, Doa ||

When your blood is rushing hot in your veins, that is Doa. The roaring flame of your passion, your loyalty, your ambition, your love, Doa is its keeper, and he stokes those fires with a grin. Yet a keeper must be dilligent. Must keep his subjects in-line. Though your pulse may burn in your throat, your thoughts firing through your skull with sharpened claws and grasping hands, Doa is the wind that cools your skin. Cools the desires of your flesh. His wind can seep through your skull and see all that you wish to remain unseen. Some desires can't be cooled however. But Doa's wind can do more than cool, it can also cut.

Despite the strictness and brutality of Doa's values, he is the 2nd-most worshipped among the 5. Perhaps because of his association with UjajU, his judgement is seen as more just. Doa tends to be worshipped moreso among the royal clans and less so with the common clans. Additionally Doa is the god worshipped and given blessings to when war and conflict arise.

Associated With

Symbol= diamond and diamond w/ circle inside ⟐⧫

Color=green, secondary is red

Winds, but harsh wind specifically (and tornados). It is believed that Doa watches creatures through the winds and hears all the words they speak (judging them for it)

Fire, blood. Fire to cleanse sins and wrongdoings, blood to shed as punishment/repent.

Order/balance, longevity.

Weaponry, Armour, metals/metalwork, physical strength, War

Lava+volcanoes, bc of association with metalworking/the forge.

Literature, specifically nonfiction and history: represents desire for knowledge, understanding how the world and individuals operate better in order to navigate it with purpose and conviction.

Record keeping + lists + organization: Doa promotes having goals and being passionate about them, even more so, planning how to accomplish these goals and staying on track with your plans. Also associated because Doa is known to keep lists of his judgements of every living being, whitch he then details to Suoha, who decides their fate in The Undervoid.


Magic Affinity x

Demeanor x

Strength x

Weakness x


  • Devotion, Loyalty
  • Ambition, Passion
  • Honesty, Honour, Truth
  • Leadership, Strength, Protecting others
  • Repentance, Punishment, violence
  • Perfection


  • Metal jewelry, metal ores or tiny bits of metal in general.
  • Whole entire forged weapons: spears, swords, axes etc. rlly smthing only royal clans can do. Others may offer a simple sewing needle, meant to symbolize Doa’s spear + needle of anguish.
  • Blood, from the worshipper or of a live-sacrifice.
  • Burning sticks or other flammable objects. Extreme worship= burning a sacrifice alive after bleeding them.
  • To-do lists, even better if parts of the list have already been accomplished!


Diamond-shaped earrings to represent a creature is perceptive or has a wide knowledge of things, that they are observant and things don’t go passed them.

Green-Diamond patterned choker to represent loyalty and faith (also has turned into a symbol of submissiveness, mostly used with brides/grooms, servants, and slaves), represents Doa's devotion to Ujaju and is a reference of how he nearly beheaded himself upon his failure to serve ujaju (and although HE didnt, its implied that the wearer of the choker should kill or punish themself should they become unfaithful to their charge/master in some way).

- - Then more diamond patterns the more serious the devotion expected (generally more for servants/slaves than spouses). May also have crest of master/charge on the choker, to show who devoted to/belongs to. It is not uncommon to ask (and sometimes expected) who the object of devotion/devotee is, as the wearer is "supposed" to be proud of this fact, tho in reality, often not. Most green-diamond chokers are not a distinctly happy thing, more a formal or political thing, but a few are made to show devotion between loved ones almost as an official pact of love and are worn by both (or multiple) in the pair, whereas in a devoted/devotee relationship, only the devoted wears the choker

Green/dark green upper arm bands: may or may not be patterened with diamonds. Emphasizes/encourages strength of body and mind. Shows that a creature takes their convictions and responsibilities seriously. or green fabric drapes (to be more decorative), these are almost always diamond patterned, most commonly in black, red, or gold/cream











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