Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy



3 years, 4 months ago



Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy

[ MUSCLE ] Cowpuncher
Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy
Neutral Good


WOOSH! A gunshot can be heard, and a punch is landed. But who could be that tough guy, behind such strength and such speed? This turns out to be no other but Cory, and her punching gun! This adventurous lad explores the country from east to west, helping those she finds in need. She is also on a quest to find something exciting, to challenge her mind- but don't be fooled! Underneath this bite-sized piece of adorableness that is this lady lies a combative spirit- you would not like to mess with her!

But the seed of her wanderlust sprouted from her rocky upper-class origins. Coraline was born in 1870, by the shores of Barringtown; an eastern city known for its terms and coastline therapy. She is the younger sister of Camellia, and the daughter of Archibald P. and Celestine - The Barcheor-Tretchy family is one of the fundators of the modern accoustic guitars - the ones we know nowadays.
From a very early age, Coraline was bathed into the learnings of this masterful art, being able to play instruments such as the piano, the violin, the flute- and of course, the guitar. The one she currently owns actually is a birthday gift, offered by her uncle Edmond! She spent her days with her family, with her parents, her big sister, as well as the maid of the family, Marie-Rose... until that dreadful day, when the Cows Came Home, and the news made it to Barringtown. Coraline was alone at the mansion, with Mary-Rose by the time it happened. The two ladies went into a bunker that was underneath, and decided to stay in there, until they would get news from the outside world that the situation was clearer. But... no news ever came, in the many years she got stuck inside.

Several years have passed now. Coraline waited and waited, hoping to get any single news on what would happen outside of the bunker. But Marie-Rose insisted on staying inside. It was too long for her- she now needed to get out of here, once and for all. One night, as the maid fell asleep, Coraline escaped by night, and, cutting her hair short to reduce the chances of being found back, she ran away from the Barcheor-Tretchy mansion. From there, she met with a man named Robert Puntchallo, that agreed to take her with him to Boring Springs, further west. From there, the two of them became friends, but had to separate quickly. She was still eager to explore more and more of the wild wide world. So, after finding herself a horse, and becoming partners with Crazy Pete, a local eldery man, she departured to Dirtwater, a village that could be found upnorth. From there- a lot will happen to her, such as working for a railroad company, hunting and fighting various creatures (including Hellcows), or even befriending many people on her way. Little did she know was that behind the scenes, there was something more plotting behind her back.
Coraline worked for a notorious railroad company named Manifesty Destiny Railroad, during her whole journey out in the west. This was no small feat- from beating a giant stone golemn, to solving tasks for the town of Breadwood, this young un' had yet a lot to undergo. Luckily for her, her pals were there to help her go through the hurdles of getting a lumber permit; thanks to Ivanabe, Noah and Rudy, the group could make it past that canyon! But the moment she was in Frisco, the train she was trying to transport got taken away by a lunatic- Emperor Norton! On her way to bring it back to its final destination, she got bamboozled by a mysterious lady, that takes her away from town, back in square one. Someone brought her back to Barrington, in the cathedral- but who was it, and what were their motives? Her pursuer was named Rose, and she was after her because of her passion for hunting bounties (even without any contracts). Luckily, Coraline managed to end up this conflict between the two girls by a fair swoop of her punching gun! Now out of trouble and things to do, Coraline decided to live a quiet life with Rudy- the one she held close to her, and lived happily ever after. They both settled down in Frisco, and Cory even started a musician career, with her sensational band- the Whirling Quatuor! And little did you know- the two of them married each other, and even had wonderful twin children, named Austin and Betty! And they all now live a peaceful life, away from all the troubles that could cause a fuzz with them... for now.

"Howdy! My name is Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy, but it's best you keep the 'Coraline' bit in mind."

Character theme: Cassandra - Florence + The Machines


Despite having her own weapon at all times, Coraline doesn't constantly rely on sheer strength to solve things out, though her unpredictability can bring her to choose the fighting solution when she is out of alternatives. She has little to mild damage rank, but also has strong agility and cunningness of mind when it comes to getting out of tight situations.



Another One Bites the Dust:
One fell swoop of her hand is fairly enough for her to disable an enemy with a handful of sand.
Guitar Splendeza:
Whether it's to boost her allies or debuff her foes, Coraline has always been a pro of the guitar.
The Lasso' Me:
From her adventures in the west, Cory has grown a certain lassoing expertise.
Scares others into complying, but she still needs practice.
Desperate Lunge:
Sometimes, the last resort can be vulgarized by a punch straight in the nose. From a gun.


Buttonwillow's Punching Gun
Toughened up lasso cord
Makeshift brass knuckles
Large Plush Bear
Handy Leather Gloves



Having no clue of how social cues operate for about half of her life, Coraline is often seen as a kind but rather immature lady. What strikes the most in people is her perpetual cluelessness and bluntness in all she says and does, no matter the circumstances - sometimes being out of pocket, but hey, you do what works!

Deep down, she just yearns to do well and help people around her. It is infruating to see the negative resulsts of her own actions sometimes, but every day she only wishes to improve, which alleviates some of her downsides. Some include: her impulsivity, quirkiness and naivety in front of everything unknown to her reach. Not that she is constantly a damsel in distress, however: her strong desires have carried her so far, and she is even witty when the time calls! All in all, a caring gal who still has a lot to learn about the wild west.

August 18

Design Notes

  • Has freckles all over her body. All. Over.
  • She wears suspenders with a pair of pants, and not overalls- so the pants wouldn't fall off of her!


  • Singing/Playing the guitar
  • Camping nights
  • Animals and nature


  • Restricted spaces (claustrophobic)
  • Heatwaves
  • Being shutdown with no appearant reasons


  • The name of her hometown, Barringtown, sounds very close to "barren town". A foreshadowing element of the plot.
  • While we speak of namesakes, if you take all the initials from Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy, you have CBT. No, I won't elaborate on that.
  • Her hair used to be long- she just slashed it with a kitchen knife before leaving Barringtown for good.
  • Her (Canadian) French is fluent and she can be found singing in it sometimes.
  • Her convictions as an anarchist has led her to join a group that rebels against capitalism and patriarchy: the A.A.R.P (Association of Anarchists, Rebels and Pirates) in 1896. It is also during that period that she will form her wandering band, with the girls from the A.A.R.P; the Whirling Quatuor, up to 1915.




When they both met at Borin' Springs, he knew from the beginning that she will be the one getting him out of his pithole. Whatever. But along Coraline's adventures, the two of them grew as good fellows, with Pete not resisting to the urge of telling her one of his many venturing tales. He has also given her all the ins and outs of the wild west, that's basically thanks to him that Cory could grow out of the family's nest for the first time. She likes to imagine him as her grandfather, though he found it to be a bit tardy.



The two ladies met each other in Deyzee's abandoned tribe lands, during a heatwave in which Coraline suffered from a sunstroke. Hopefully, the native Beanslinger managed to heal her, and as to return the favor, she accompanied her and Crazy Pete in the west, in her search of more plants to discover. Deyzee is quite the quiet girl, but she is very formal and always glad to help those in distress. After the crazy adventures of Coraline that she followed, she returned back to a life away from the hurly-burly of town, to focus on her prime source of strength: botany.



Nothing is truly known of this Snake Oiler folk. What we know, for sure, is that they hide constantly their mouth, is distant and even owns a rattlesnake pet! Eerie! Not even them talks about their past, even after the day they joined Coraline's adventuring squad, the day they tried to pick food from them, up to that day where they left with Deyzee, back in her garden.



Coraline is her little sister by six years. It was the playdate and the closest friend she always wished for, and there she was now! They would spend countless hours talking together, until the time for her to move to Canadia came, and she could not see her again... for a baker's dozen years. Cory is still a bit miffed about her leaving her so suddenly when she was just 12, but after retrospective, she is more than relieved to know her alive, after they reunited at Breadwood...



After some crazy adventure that involved fighting against Hellcows, Coraline returned to Dirtwater upon being invited there. That night, she met with two other people, one of them being Noah; that jovial, cack-handed man that has a wide knowledge when it comes to magic! It was his thrive during his whole adventure, and just like with Deyzee, he could show her some demonstration of his Beanslinging technics. She encourages him in his endeavour in becoming a chef-magi, just as he does for her future, inspiring musical career. (OC by kiwinatorwaffles !)



After some crazy adventure that involved fighting against Hellcows, Coraline returned to Dirtwater upon being invited there. That night, she met with two other people, one of them being Ivy; the big-hearted cowgirl that goes out west in order to put her kindness to service. Their shared interests in music and empathy drew them so close, they became the bestest of friends! (OC by kiwinatorwaffles !)



They met each other at a saloon in the Plot Convenience, when Coraline was resting during a quest for Meat. Rudy guided her to a cave where she could find some supplies, and they eventually had to fight foes together. After seeing her impressive skills in combat, Rudy and her started to grow from acquaintences to really good friends. This escalated to a beautiful, blossoming romance, once both of them being able to live together, in the quietness of Frisco with their children. It was almost as if they have found the light etched in each other, basking into the afterglow now. (OC by kiwinatorwaffles !)



It's eerie to imagine just what a singular encounter can actually carry as weight, to a simple-minded (and above all, simple-hearted) man like him. She didn't mean to carry him into her own turmoil, but there he was now; not that he was complaining. At least, he got to make some new friends! Perhaps that first encounter she made with a complete stranger, for the first time in a while, was destined to make gears clicked... and for that, Coraline is forever grateful of falling onto him suddenly, the night she escaped Barringtown.



First the wife, then the husband: she learnt to hate both of them with a shared passion, after the revelations behind the lack of members in her family began to throw her off. That exploration inside that cryptic cave will be the starting point to a human-scaled chase that already started a year prior, back in 1895, when she met with Rose Holliday, that she easily swept away with one swoop of her punching gun... why was she after her anyways? Her doubts would rapidly be answered after she would be found fighting against Duke Bovicus, and above all, the man that would be going after her and Camellia for 30 years: Balthazar Urban Holliday. She swore upon her life, from this day, that she would track and hunt every single Hellcow and their followers, after the tragedies that befell the Barcheor-Tretchy family.

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