Group Stories

Group Stories

These are my characters that are involved with other people to make their stories! One is a TTRPG I am in, and the other two are rp stories that we just all just rp together to make the big story together!

Blackberry Whispers is a Parselings TTRPG Campaign run by novamallow. Parselings use words embedded in them to create parses, magic spells that can do almost anything desired, as long as it fits the words used for them

Monsuta Academia follows a bunch of students going to a monster school. Away from the prying eyes and discrimination of humans. The students will learn to navigate life, and go through the struggles of being a teenager.

This is just a temporary name we just haven't thought of a better one yet adjfkljs. We also don't have any lore yet. So this story will be expanded upon at a later time.