Directory (code ex.)


EDIT 6/30/21: No longer my directory folder. Leaving up as an in-use preview for "Sort By..." until I move it to my code account. Some links may be broken

Made it so you can sort characters by folder/featured OCs, projects/world, Type (eg: anthro, humanoid, feral), and tags

note: characters might not show up in every tab. If they aren't featured here, check folders

last updated: 6/30/21




(not TH's default unsorted folder btw)

If I don't know where else to put them, they'll most likely end-up here


Characters that represent me one way or another

My Worlds

OCs specific to an original universe

(universes with less than 5 characters are in the unsorted folder)

Fan Characters

Title's self-explanatory

(Fandoms that I have 3+ characters for get a folder)

The Misc. Folder

Non-Character pages (eg: galleries, lists) or pages with lesser/multiple characters


My code folder! I like making HTML layouts every once in a while and I'm sharing a few of mine

As of right now, they're all f2u. Just remember to read the rules (in the folder) before using


From projects I scrapped/abandoned. Mostly using as an 'archive' for older characters incase anyone wants to poke around or if I wanna revisit them

(Unless otherwise stated, these characters are nft/nfs)

jump to...

(project TBN)

Still figuring out a name for this one. A collection of one-shots featuring some of my main OCs & 'Sonas


not-so-much a solid universe as it is a means to link/organize my godlike and cosmic horror characters (and ones related to them)

Monsterverse (FAN AU) (top)

A Monster Hunter fan-au where Humans/Hunters/etc. don't exist and most of the larger monsters are furries smh Anthro

For Fun! (top)

Personal use characters / ones I have 0 plans of featuring in a larger project

Misc / No world (top)

Smaller projects with less than 4 characters up, Projects TBA, or characters I'm not sure if they'll be featured in a project or not

General Tags

Main Favorite OCs & characters I feel stick-out more than others

sona characters I connect and identify with

gore ok suggestive ok I'm ok with that content being drawn of them (Note! suggestive =/= NSFW ok)

robotic Any character that's either a robot or has robotic traits

Godrealm anomalous monster-god characters and those relating to them

joke oc joke characters/ones I don't take too seriously

adopted self-explanatory/didn't design them on my own

fan character tag for all my FCs

Fandom Tags

= Current interest // = inactive or lost interest

Workflow Tags

Mostly for my own ref tbh

Not an OC pages that aren't characters or they're a collection of lesser characters

wip profile is missing important information (eg: info and artwork)

Art Needed I need/want to do art for them (usually, give them some sort-of ref)

Art Wanted Tag I use for art games to note who I want drawn (I tend to change this before I make a claim)

Retired Catch-all tag for characters I don't use, have scrapped, and/or need a revamp

Might Revive retired characters I want to bring back & do a major overhaul for

HTML by Jade-Everstone

retired gore ok fan character wip robotic to be mirrored main artfight doverhill monster hunter sona needs overhaul art needed patapon adopted not an oc art wanted splatoon joke oc suggestive ok