Purnip's Literatures

5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 1 month ago
1 5291 1 3

On a planet this old, there are endless secrets that have been lost to the tides of time. A number of mass extinctions have swept Vast over the past several millennia, the last one having left the skeletal remains of ancient civilizations that have all but vanished off the face of the world.

The planet has been healing ever since that fateful day, the race before now replaced with Vastrians known as Draconids. They have spread all over, some still stalking lands as hunters and gatherers, some settling down into farming, and even a stable few erecting small communities, towns, cities, and estates. These Draconids have even founded cities in the sea, ranging from the naval tribe of the Navarronnese to the deep-sea dwelling Bettas. Some have forged empires, sporting impressive military regimes. With Vast being three times larger than Earth, there are even some areas that have not yet been discovered by the modern Vastrian.

Yet the secrets both above and below the soil do stir.

5 years, 2 months ago

+18 Only Explicit Violence

Contains detailed depictions of death/violence and themes of psychological abuse.

A story from Claus DuBois's youth, wherein he finally succumbs to the lessons of the father. Graphic depictions of death abound. This was written back in 2014-ish when I created the character.

5 years, 7 months ago
2173 3

Explicit Violence

A short story I wrote on Desco detailing one of his encounters with the mysterious man that changed his life. Deals with human experimentation, MASSIVE WARNING FOR NEEDLES, MASSIVE WARNING FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST A CHILD. Just warnings all over the place. This was written back in 2009, I think. Juuust in case I'll put the detailed violence tag on. Yeah, seems appropriate.

5 years, 10 months ago
2310 1

Mild Sexual Content

Claus and his childhood friend Patrick share their last night together. This happens before he strikes the bargain with The Bloody Heretic, when horrific nightmares plague him every night, leaving him so exhausted and disconnected from the world that it drives a rift between himself and those that might have cared for him.

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
1 2652

A loosely canon story set in Redoubt, a fictional setting for the Lost Citadel universe. After the dead have risen and have driven people from their homes and holds, the once dwarven city of Redoubt has been occupied by refugees to the very brim. After years of tumult against the dark forces outside of Redoubt's walls, something seems to be going on within that may be poisoning the well.