Jellybean Dragons



Jellybean Dragons are a closed species by Dalmatier. They are an all-age friendly group where everyone is welcome to join and participate! We have an active Discord community which enjoys roleplaying, socializing, and engaging in events, contests, art, and more!

Jellybean Dragons, popularly known as "beans," are a furry, wingless and land dwelling dragon subspecies, named after the jellybean-shaped egg they hatch from. Even though they come in many colors, shapes and sizes, beans can be easily recognized by their signature traits: a furry upper lip, a tufted tail and a marsupial-like pouch.


Total 36/37

Free 17/17
Tay, Nightshade, Rowan, Rainy, Vivi, Iri, Umi, Eros, Finn (bought), Aarya, Jörmungandr, Light, Liliana, Atlas
Bought 5/5
Malachi, Dotty, Fallon, Red, Baiji
Custom 4/4
Tamiko, Ree, Ryu, Dark
Quest free 10/11
Torin, Tony, Cannon, Jacqueline (paid), Cypress, Jacob, Bellamy, Dior, Emilia, Alexios, xxx
Quest bought 3/3
Krah, Carmelita, Cassius


Small edits potion 1
Short hair potion 1
Medium edits potion 2
Medium hair potion 1
Large edits potion 2
Long hair potion 0
Custom horn potion 1
Amplify potion 1
Pupil potion 1
Color potion 2
Phoenix Elixer 0
Removal dust 0
Twin potion 0
Extra breeding ticket 2
Mutation potion 2
Custom ticket 2
Tokens 341
Honorable mentions 1

closed species Single Bought Open for Offers Shipped 30 USD