Silverhart's Bulletins

So Many Characters...

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Silverhart

Which character should I work on developing next?

2 Votes Oriental Jader - Arawn - Celtic Cow
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Astora - Garden Witch
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Celyn - Dark Runic
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Donner - Donner
2 Votes Oriental Jader - Eskie - Kelpie
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Jacquotte - Beige Spotted Pointer
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Loren - Zero
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Moondance - Black Lab
1 Votes Oriental Jader - Pegasus - Wild Spotted Husky
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Willow - Piebald Fawn
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Sway - Swaying Heart Wreath
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Tad - Chestnut Spots
0 Votes Oriental Jader - Sallow - Copper Dusky
1 Votes Oriental Jader - Adrasteia - Painted Runner
0 Votes Golgem - Adelmar - Dusk and Dawn
0 Votes Golgem - Moonracer - Mystery Winter Solstice
0 Votes Golgem - Sláine - Golden Gleam
0 Votes Equimine - Frawley - Water Ripple
2 Votes Equimine - Monte - Celestialion
1 Votes Original Character - Sayer - Just a dude

I always have the hardest time choosing who to work on next in my characters, and so then I put it off until the 'inspiration' strikes. But like gold, the only way to strike it rich is to start looking, and I'm going to put it to you guys to tell me where to start my prospecting.

Some of these characters only require a bit of coding clean up, and added details, others need a lot more work. Most of them are jaders, but I threw in some wild cards as well. If you like, you can let me know why you picked that character, or what your runner-up choices are, and I will take that into account.

If you have a relationship or story idea to propose for any of these guys, feel free to throw those at me as well.

(Also I just really wanted to try out the poll thing, because I like polls, and it looked like fun, and it just kept letting me add more, and more, and more...)

This may not be your typical Jader breeding post. Here you will find my jaders, and a list of traits each are looking for in their potential suitors, should anyone have an interest. Less a list of available slots and more jader dating profiles. Breeding projects are a priority of course, but just as much, if not more so is how well jaders will work personality and story-wise. I love storytelling, so best prepare for plotting if you're looking for a match with one of my jaders.

Jaders are listed by age. The fact that they're listed here doesn't necessarily mean they are actively looking for mates at the moment, it just displays what they're interested in. If you have a jader you want to be friends (or enemies! Or mentors, or minions, or rivals, or whatever) with any one of mine, let me know! I'm always up for plotting out more stories, and they don't always have to involve breedings. I might expand this later to include other relationship searches that don't involve breeding if there's an interest in that.




[ female/1st generation/feral/ 0 slots free ] Willow is quite happy with her mates and puppies, and is not available for breeding.



[ female/2nd generation/feral/ 3 slots closed ] Sallow is a forever bachelorette and not interested in romantic relationships. She lives out in the wilds with her adopted Elkrin family. But if you wanna join her organic hippie lifestyle, c'mon in. You just have to give up venison.



[ male/1st generation/imperial/ 1 slot free ] A rich, egotistical, super morose, nihilistic loner, who would probably write incredibly depressing and cringe-worthy poetry, if he didn't find modern poetry inane and pointless. He is the quintessential party-pooper, but he's a romantic at heart – courteous and hospitable, even charming when he wants to be - even if he doesn't always act like it. Loren doesn't enjoy company, and typically keeps to his house and his crow friends, and is extremely picky with his partners. That said, he tends to fall for his total opposites personality-wise – jaders who are passionate and vibrant and so much more fun than he could ever be. He doesn't need another world-weary jader to feed his melancholy attitude.

At the moment he's not actively looking for any more partners, because... well, being an imperial who doesn't get out much, grabbing a breeding slot tends to be tough.

Hitomi has expressed interest in Loren's last slot; just noting to myself so I don't forget.



[ male/4th generation/domestic/ 2 slots free ] Tad is currently happy and bemused with his first litter and is not looking to make any more at the moment.

Tad is bruiser, and adventurer, and someone who constantly needs attention. He's very loyal, and very dense between the ears. He also keeps putting weapons on his puppies, so – you know, not the best parent material. Tad is part of my domestic breeding project – so he's only looking to breed with pure-blooded domestics that are at least 2nd or 3rd generation.



[ male/3rd generation/feral/ 3 slots free ] Pilirani needs a mate with a taste for adventure. He isn't the type to settle down, and he's also not one for flings – his mate will have to travel with him, at least for a time, wherever he goes. He wants a traveling companion, and a friend first and foremost. Pili would love to raise any pups he has while traveling on the road, and would want to be a large part of their lives. Wanderer or not, Pili is a family jader, and he comes from a pretty crazy, tight-knit family, so he expects his mate and pups to be a part of that. He loves collecting things, so you know he's gonna wanna collect those pups and all their toys and bundle them onto the sleipnir caravan every morning. And he's squishy and soft, so they can sleep on him at night.

Pili is especially interested in jaders with animal, Celtic, or otherwise complex markings. He does not care for bright colors, preferring more natural tones. He prefers ferals – his sister Rinth has convinced him that ferals just make better mates for other ferals, but the right personality would sway him pretty quickly to a domestic partner, and might make for some interesting plots.



[ male/3rd generation/feral/ 0 slots free ] Salix the Pan of Sauce loves magic. He wanted to be a jader magician, and was the pet of a human one until he was kidnapped by fairy dire wolves. He has one slot with Titus, where they shall create beautiful water-deer puppoes. His other two slots are reserved for my deer breeding project, so he's only interested in deer, preferably feral. To my knowledge there are no unrelated deer jaders with slots available at this time, but maybe that's changed by the time you're reading this.

If there was a fairy jader, or a dire wolf hybrid interested, I might be tempted to open a slot for them purely for story purposes, but only if their story or personality meshed really well with him. I mean, I say that, but that said, Salix is a very... flirtatious jader. I mean, he is a stag, and like all stags longs one day for that harem of fawning females (and others) to dote on him and admire his lovely antlers and magical prowess. So far he's only got the one down.

Currently all his slots are full with werewoofs, warriors and handsome deer spirits.



[ female/3rd generation/domestic/ 0 slots free ] All breeding slots going to Astora. Precious Pegasus is a sweet, beautiful puppoe. She is introspective and creative, a homebody who explores her world through her flights of fantasy. While she doesn't have much of a story or personality written yet, I still feel very protective of her. At this point in time, with her still lacking a lot of development I'm not sure I'm ready to pick out a mate for her. I feel that she would be the perfect candidate for one of my breeding projects, where two jaders breed all their slots with one another by different artists. Peg needs a jader who will claim all her slots. So if you have a monogamous jader looking for a partner, Peg might just be up your alley.



[ intersex/1st generation/domestic/ 3 slots free ] Arawn is a lord and ruler, and thus demands the same in a mate. So Arawn is only interested in jaders who's story suits their regal person. Right off the bat I should point out that Arawn is intersex, so all their puppies will have to be blood puppies from Asher. Even if they weren't, I highly doubt Arawn would sully their paws with such things – just let Asher deal with it. Arawn is proud and tough, but Arawn is also lazy – a general who leads his army from the back. Why dirty their noble paws when they could send someone else, more expendable, to do it for them? That said, Arawn will be riled, like any bull, when another worthy challenger rears it's head. Otherwise, Arawn sends flycatchers after the flies. And honestly... their approach to love is pretty much the same. Arawn has very little interest in procuring heirs, or finding love interests. Their only interest in breeding is securing allies, and they can't be bothered to reply to the tiny fish suitors that may come knocking. Arawn ain't giving up their slots to just anyone. But if you're interested in pulling a little bit more at the bull's heartstrings, the true way to Arawn's heart is shiny things. Arawn loves shiny things, especially those he can wear. If your jader wants to court the loveless lord, they might consider delivering carefully planned gifts to soften the iron heart. Or just make them the Philosopher's Stone – that would win you all the slots and probably a semi-passionate lick or two.

In all seriousness, for Arawn I'm really looking for storytelling over anything. I wouldn't even mind Arawn having purely platonic relationships (either romantic or not) with no puppies or slots. I would love to have them breed with another cow jader or Celtic jader, or any other jader that fits in with their theme of 'Celtic Cow'.



[ female/1st generation/domestic/ 0 slots free ] Moondance is currently flooded with suitors and has all her slots full. She will spread the lab genes far and wide. I would be willing to cancel her breeding with Adrasteia if you would really like a puppy from her. If you would like a lab pup either from Moon or one of her pups, feel free to contact me. I'd love to try and work something out.



[ female/5th generation/domestic/ 3 slots free ] Jackie is part of my domestic breeding project, aiming to breed a 6th generation litter of purebred domestics. So for her, superficial things like bloodline and genetics are just as important as personality, more than for my other jaders.

Specifically, I'm looking for a third generation or more pure domestic – no ferals or imps in the bloodline. And of course they have to be unrelated to her. Natural coloration and standard ears and tail are a plus, but not a requirement.

But just as important as pedigree is personality. I want to make sure they would mesh well together with my sassy pirate girl. Jackie is an outgoing, passionate, vibrant, freebooting, humorous, charismatic, robbing and pillaging buccaneer. She's as tough and scrappy as her papas, and not gonna take guff off any jader. She needs a partner who's willing to let her lead, but also tough enough to hold their own against her; an equal who she can feel confident in. She will walk all over a weak-willed jader, and just make their life a misery. It would be great if her partner had a story reason that would bring them together, such as them also begin a fellow pirate jader, a rebel, a rival, a pirate hunter, whatever. She's just a fun character, but still pretty new and open to development, and I'd love for her to have an equally fun story with her breeding partners.

Please see her Family Tree to ensure she is not related to your jader.



[ nonbinary/2nd generation/domestic/3 slots free ] When it comes to Sway: Don't call them, they'll call you, darling. As you can see by the abundance of hearts, Sway is a romantic, but for this jader, career always comes first, and at the moment they're not interested in puppies, but they will entertain romantic relationships, and friendships. After all, all stars need friends on their way to the top. Sway loves being the center of attention, and finds it hard to really commit to someone. If a jader wants to woo them, they had better be very patient. I'd be very interested in story-driven relationships. So much the better if your jader is involved in show business. Again I'm not really interested in breeding Sway at the moment, but as the jader would say 'the night is young' and all that jazz.

Theme wise, I would love if Sway's mates had a similar color scheme to them, or were also seasonal or otherwise more abstract and pastel colored. But certainly story would be the most important factor. I'll probably be very picky with Sway, just because they have a certain character about them.



[ female/1st generation/domestic/0 slots free ] Planning to do all breedings with Pegasus. Astora is a hedgewitch jader who is very outspoken and abrasive. She never had time for mates until she met her love Pegasus, and has decided to finally settle down and grow a beautiful garden with her. She has no times for silly, empty-headed jaders and their games, and least of all breeding with them. She and Peg will be having three litters, each by a different artist.



[ male/2nd generation/imperial/ 1 slot free ] Celyn is currently open to offers, but not actively looking (especially since he is an imperial, and hard to snag slots for). He has one slot going to breed with my own jader Salix, his last two slots are open to deer or story purposes - preferably both! I would love to breed him to at least one deer jader that is unrelated to any of my own. Antler genes would be a bonus, but are not a requirement. His other slot I would like to see go to a dark-colored jader with grey, brown, or black, or some other natural tone. Floofiness would be a bonus, since he's got the floofy tail already. If you got a dark colored floofy antler deer for him... well that would just be perfect. XD

Celyn's story is that he is a very proud, entitled jader, very proud of his heritage and imperial bloodline. He loves to hunt, and enjoys a life of leisure. But one day that all gets turned upside down, and he gains guardianship over the forest, which he wanders through as a dark, ghostly figure. He is very noble and aloof, but he does have a playful side to him as well. He's a very confident jader, and not a lot in the world can knock him down.



[ Male/1st generation/domestic/2 slots free ] Big, floppy boy likes to run, run, run. Sadly, I don't have a whole lot of ideas for him, other than that he's terrible with directions and always almost ruins Yuletide, and someone has to swoop in and save the day. He believes he can actually fly, and maybe he can. Loves going on adventures, but is socially awkward. There's not a whole lot going on between his furry ears, but that's okay. Not sure what I'd want in a mate for him. Probably more deerz.

Has one breeding planned with Frey so far. For golden daisy deerz.



[ male/1st generation/feral/3 slots closed ] Breedings are closed for now, until I get a better feel for his personality. All future breedings - if any - will be story based. Please don't ask for breedings at this time. Thank you!



[ female/4th generation/feral/2 slots open ] Adrasteia has a very specific quest - to find the lost city of gold. She has one breeding with Moondance planned, but I'm flexible on this. Otherwise I have no breeding plans for her.

Adrasteia is a tough, no-nonsense jader who values logic and hard work above things like emotion or companionship. She's not physically attracted to any jader, and has no time for silly proclamations of love. She's looking for colleagues, not lovers. That said, she has nothing against having pups. I'd be interested in fleshing out a bit of a story with her and her breeding partners, but it's not required. If your jader's got a personality to match and they look good together, that's all she really cares about. Just don't expect her to be all lovey-dovey.



[ male/2nd generation/feral/3 slots open ] Toast is... well he's just Toast. He's warm and cuddly and a big sweetheart of a guy, who loves giving high fives and pep talks. He can be a little naive, since he sort of closets himself off, but he loves being helpful. If he's not being helpful, he feels like he's a burden on those he cares about. He's a bit neurotic about that. He's also a prince, as you can see by his crown.

I'd love to get Toast a mate, whether they're interested in breeding or not. I personally have no preferences whether he breeds or not. He would need a mate, or mates who would calm him down, and assure him that he's loved no matter what. I have two visions of him settling down with either a big burly tough jader, or a really sweet and soft jader. Or maybe something in between! Or maybe both! He'd be cool with having two or more partners. Either way, he's still in development, so if you'd like to work on developing our characters together so much the better.



[ male/2nd generation/feral/3 slots open ] I have absolutely no idea what I would want for Sulien in terms of a breeding partner. Throw whatever you got at me if you're interested. Doesn't need to be story based, though can if you'd like it to be. He's got some lovely equine genes, so he'd pair really nicely with another equine or unicorn jader, if you're looking for that. He's also got some lovely spooky markings that would pair nicely with any other Halloween or Seasonal jader. Overall just a handsome boy, and I have no qualms spreading his handsome genes all around. Pun breedings would also be great. Like if you had a pie jader we could have a pumpkin pie breeding. Those are just some suggestions - I really have no plans for his breedings, and will consider all comers.

Sulien is a trickster with a nervous personality. His story is lightly based on the story behind the jack-o-lantern, with some 'Sleepy Hollow' mixed in, wherein he tricked the Gravekeeper Ancient and now roams the land like a phantom hound, lighting up the path for the ghostly carriage in his charge. He's a pretty friendly jader, even if he is a bit ghoulish looking, and I imagine he get along well with most others, especially if they're friendly to him. Getting him some heated rivalries would be super fun though.

Breeding Projects

Lab Project: Breed more labs to flood the market
Jaders Involved: Moondance

Deerz Project: Breed deerz
Jaders Involved: Salix, Celyn, Donner

Domestic Project: Breed a pureblooded domestic line
Jaders Involved: Tad, Jacquotte

Get Silver a Floofy Fish Unicorn Project: Breed a floofy neon fish unicorn
Jaders Involved: none

Monogamous Match: Breed the same two jaders three times with three different artists
Jaders Involved: Pegasus,Astora; all of my jaders with 3 open slots are available for this project, so long as the personalities of the pair work well

Oblivion Eyes Project: Breed a jader with Oblivion eyes mutation
Jaders Involved: none

Get a Deep Sea Jader: Breed or otherwise acquire a deep sea jader
Jaders Involved: none

Avoid Amara Line at All Cost: Not so much a breeding project as … a general goal. They are the Montagues to my Capulets.
Jaders Involved: all

Breeding Order

List of breedings in order of when they were requested/finalized for me to keep track of what to aim for next.

Moondance X Adrasteia (Dom X Feral)

Moondance X Shimmering Shiapouf (Dom X Dom)

Salix X Titus (Feral X Dom)

Loren X Sinner (Imp X Imp)

Salix X Lassicus (Feral X Feral)

Pegasus X Astora (Dom X Dom) X 3

Salix X Celyn (Feral X Imp)

Celyn X Tapeesa (Imp X Dom)

Donner X Frey (Dom X Dom)

More to go here

Quick Note

My breeding partners are always welcome to try and grab a breeding slot we've already planned. In these cases I'm happy to pay my half. If you want to work out a different arrangement please let me know before snagging the slot. The first pick never matters to me, so feel free if you're grabbing a slot to put yourself for first pick.

The Search for Jader Roleplays

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Silverhart

Salutations, all!

I'm looking for a nice 1X1 or small group roleplay with my Oriental Jaders. I'm also open to all Eldemore roleplays in general, but I'm far from getting all my characters transferred over to toyhouse, so if you wanna check them out, you're gonna have to hop over to my Charahub.

I hope to use this roleplay as writing practice, so you can expect some decent sized replies. All I ask of my writing partner/partners is that their replies be legible and give me enough to play off of. Oh, and that they aren't afraid to throw ideas around all willy-nilly, and have lots of silly fun.

You can find all my Jaders here.

In particular, Pilrani and Tad could use some love.

I'd love to find my Jaders some friends, love interests, rivals, and maybe even enemies this way. Or even just build up their family relationships. Overall, I'm just looking for an interesting plotline to throw my characters into, to further develop them, and just have some fun. So if you have a fun idea for a plot, or want to see how two characters would get along, or further develop an established relationship, let me know!