The Offsprings

The Offsprings are a group of gods who oversee the Goddity System, the power system that all other gods in the PPU are ranked under. As the direct descendants of the god who created the world, they are not worshiped by humans, and their prime directive is to keep reality stable. They may be near and dear to my heart, but they are not benevolent gods. Their so-called pursit of the "greater good" is heavily influenced by their desire for power and control. 

Like many immortal pantheons, the Offsprings are a family and prone to bickering. They are composed of four sibling pairs, with each pair having opposite and complimentary domains of reality. Each Offspring is also endowed with an element, and their personal symbols double as symbols for those elements. Learn more about the Offsprings in this on-site doc.

Though they may not have worshipers or priests, the Offsprings do have an immortal servant who does much of their busywork: Cal, the Muse of Memory. She's so invaluable that the Offsprings may have plans to make more...

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