After It All

Since the beginning of time, it has been prophesied that the world would end when the dragon crashed the lower reaches to the earth. But that happened generations ago. And still, the world ticks on.

After it All is about the people left behind after the world ended, and their efforts to oppose the dragon who destroyed the world. There are several races scattered across several parts of the world; there are the upper reaches, inhabited by the dragon and the people of the sky, the lower reaches, which once floated and were home to a race of bird people but have now crashed, the earth, where humans dwelled, and the lower reaches, where a race of boars still reside. When the dragon came to power, it stole from each of these races a gift that it now uses to augment its own power. These gifts came from the earth herself; by stealing them, the dragon greatly weakened her. So long as the dragon wishes to possess these gifts, it must keep some members of the races it stole them from alive. However, the dragon must also keep the people from uniting against it, so it has taken measures to ensure that the realms remain separate and subjugated by its will. As part of this, the dragon uses its powers to create monsters that harass anyone who strays too far from the villages the races had already established. These monsters are the scourge of the land and further harm the earth.

The earth feels the pain of her people and wishes to ease it, but with every passing year that the dragon keeps her gifts trapped, her power weakens. She decides to select a champion from every race, and imparts on them the knowledge they may need to slay the dragon and reclaim the gifts of their races. The story follows these champions as they find each other and work to slay the dragon.

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