VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

Sketchpage Art Raffle! (NM)

Posted 2 years, 11 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Oooh boy I'm joining a lot of raffles but check out AcidicNova 's raffle including a SKETCHPAGE as a prize! Really easy to enter and earn extra entries I believe! :0

Link here!

(POLL) Commissions Reopening Discount- Which one?

Posted 2 years, 15 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Which percentage should I do for a discount?

4 Votes 25%
4 Votes 45%
7 Votes 50%
0 Votes Other (Comment!)

So based on the feedback from my custom raffle (in which by the way you can participate in! Link : Here! ), it seems like if I do a discount for my commission reopening, that wouldn’t be a bad idea- 

However, which percentage of discounts should I do? I have three options in mind: 25% , 45% and even 50% 

(The math based on my most expensive commission option, Custom Design commissions at $75 USD are all below so one can get an idea of how much each option impacts the pricing!) 

*(EDIT) Disclaimer: Due to my various options, this exact pricing applies for the vouchering payment options. Discord Nitro + Toyhouse premium are priced to the closest amount to these prices but are not exact! Keep that in mind, but they will also be discounted! This already applies for normal prices.

(25%) $75 -> $56.25 

(45%) $75 -> $41.25

(50%) $75 -> $37.50

Thank you if you vote on the poll and for everyone’s feedback so far!

EDIT: It seems like the poll winner is 50%, but when I posted poll on Twitter the winner was 25%- So I’ll go with the in between value of 45%! Thanks for voting everyone! 

HEY HEY HEY- My friend Demistasis is hosting an art raffle and I bet you should join! 

She's got epic art and is overall a very epic person so I recommend to support her! ;D

Art Raffle Link: Click here!

(I am now changing up my monthly raffles- 

So every month is not for a character design, but every other month an art raffle will be hosted! So trying this out! 

Let's see how this goes, and thank you for all the support!-)


PRIZE: Messy Render Style (Starting at Bust Up, every 50 entrants increases this size to Halfbody (50) , Thigh Up (100), 

EDIT: RAFFLE HAS ENDED AND THE WINNER IS Metalharpey! Congrats to her! :D

Art Examples below spoiler:



HOW TO ENTER: Sub to me! Only subscribers too me can enter this raffle! Comment down a   to confirm you are enterinh! :0

You will be given a number to confirm entry (and make life easier for me so I don't have to go through the pain of typing usernames in the wheel WHEEZE-)

HOW TO GAIN EXTRA ENTRIES (Include in you're comment of all actions performed :

POLL- Where Should I Host Art Raffles?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Where to host an Art Raffle on TH?

6 Votes TH Character Listing
11 Votes TH Bulletin (Profile)
3 Votes TH Bulletin (Forums)
0 Votes Other! (Comment)

Seems like for my monthly raffle challenge, people requested I switch it up every month! So every other month, I will do a raffle for normal art, not character design! Maybe the art might include custom designs, YCH (once I open that for commissions) and other stuff I can think about!

But where should I host them?

 I want to know the option that would get most of my subs attention! You vote above too help me out! :0

EDIT: Seems like Bulletin (Profile) seems to be the most favored! I think I like that idea, so for April, art raffle shall be hosted! >:D

Help Me Decide- Poll

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Should I Continue The Monthly F2E Raffles?

9 Votes Yes! Keep it as character designs and keep going!
6 Votes Yes! But CHANGE IT to an art raffle , no character design!
2 Votes Yes! But CHANGE IT to...Something else (Comment!)
6 Votes Neutral
0 Votes No, discontinue and scrap it
2 Votes No, but it's your choice in the end

So long story short- It seems like people are losing interest in my March F2E character raffle , and I am doubting if I should even continue the challenge of having a raffle design for every month... 

Are you guys still interested?

 Want it to change, or should I scrap it all together- Help me out by voting on the poll above, thank you!

EDIT: So it seems like most of you based on the votes have suggested doing both and switching every month, I really like that idea! I'll host another Bulletin to decide where to host my monthly art raffle though! Thank you for all you're input and feedback!

Happy April Everyone!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

I offer you all something very special on this day my followers! 

Please consider taking it and doing whatever you will with it-





















(NOTE: This is not meant to call out anybody nor am I mad , I am just very scatterbrained recently due to so much schoolwork and it’s a struggle for me to dm and contact everyone who owes me art ;;.

This bulletin is also kind of vent like, as I need to get my honest feelings out of my chest these days. It is pretty much my fault for not being strict about time and my large leniency.

Thank you for understanding and hope I don’t cause misunderstandings or hard feelings! )

If you do owe me art , please comment down on this bulletin and we can talk in DMS or just tell me how the progress is going- 

I have a lot of people oweing me art for things such as OC or art trades and while I do admit it’s on me for not checking in every week, it’s getting a lot harder to do so as there are so many people who owe me stuff and haven’t gotten their part done- 

I may be patient, but these days I am honestly getting anxious that people may or may not be taking advantage of my patience.  Please let me know if you are one of the people who owe me something and how it is going progress wise! You can also let me know if you want to cancel the trade or anything major going on that I should know.

I appreciate it and thank you everyone! :”) /nm /gen

So! It’s my birthday today, March 16th! And because it’s my birthday, I present to you my webcomic series that has been in the works for a good long while (I defs need to revamp my Fandom OCS folder as they are literally part of this series LOL, but it is implied on my JJBA OCS profiles) : 

Jojos Record Raid is here!

You can read the series on Webtoon Canvas! The link is below and I would appreciate any reads and comments on what you all think! <3

Thank you so much for all the support! I love you all! /p /gen

Jojos Record Raid Webcomic Link

Art Raffle! (Not Mine)

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Joining this art raffle made by a user! Join below if you like! :0