VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

Kiwii Art Raffle REAL!? (NM)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Kiwii is hosting an raffle, for REAL! Go check her out please, she's so amazing and has such godly art! <333


You heard me right in the title- 

Yes, Victory has Tiktok, the infamous Tiktok- 

(EDIT: If you are seriously wanting to complain about me getting Tiktok, DM me. Keep it private between you and me. Keep it out of the comments , or there’s a chance I’ll block you and delete your comment. I am aware of the TikTok issues on mental health (taken precautions to keep myself safe) , conspiracies, etc. I’ve seen all the videos about it and has avoided this app for as long as I can. But don’t expect me to be nice when I am having a reaction, I’m tired of things like this.)

And I have officially made an account and uploaded my first video ! If you have Tiktok, feel free to come check out the video and follow me, would love to have some Tiktok mutuals, but I will still be mostly active on my Twitter @VictoryDraws as after all, I am simply trying out Tiktok-

+ I have other announcements:

  • Please do not ping me for species (Open, Semi Open, Closed, etc) events, I have officially quit joining anymore species and I don't want to be pinged! However feel free to ping me for art / animation raffles , commission pinglists, etc . I don't mind being pinged for those my inbox has been LONELY these days-
  • After clearing off my debt list, I will only accept art trades from mutuals only or if I ask or not accept trades at allI will be VERY picky with who I choose to art trade after that, I want to give myself time to work on my upcoming webcomic fanseries Past Blazes Future Path as my goal is to release the series by March 16th of next year (2023) , AKA: My next birthday! However I can still accept commissions and my commissions are always open!
  • You want the possibility of free art from me that's experimental and is mostly warmups? Then check out this freebie thread of mine! Be sure to follow the rules! Once I am working on PBFP , there is also the possibility of your OCS being cameos in the series itself! Be on the lookout for a thread for that!
  • Another free thing you could get is free art and/or a free character design from the Monthly Raffle Challenge: September Art + Chara Raffle ending this Saturday on October 1st! Come join before it's too late-
  • Misc. announcements is that I apologize for being so slow on art trades, commissions, owed art in general... My mental health sort of had a crash period due to school, people ignoring the rules of my last freebie thread, and a lot of stuff going on in real life. I apologize if I acted out, was rude or hurt anybody, etc. It was tough, but I am really grateful for everyone's support! Plus, we are near 400 subs- I might host another raffle or something to celebrate!? Thank you again! <3

Okay enough reading that's all I wanted to update about, have a great day / evening / night everyone! Back to math hw now, I hate math so much-

3 Quick F2E Raffles-

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(Please do NOT comment on this Bulletin, this Bulletin is for promotional purposes, if you want to join the raffles click on the links below:)

Three designs being raffled, ends on September 13th! Just want to give these designs better homes as I failed to connect with all of them- :") 

(Just fave to enter, no extra entries this time!)

F2E - Number Seven - F2E- Number SixteenF2E Number Ten


And reminder to check out September Monthly Chara + Art Raffle if you want to join a raffle that does include extra entries! Thank you for all the support everyone! :D

The challenge I have made for myself, the Monthly Raffles Challenge went on a two month (July + August) hiatus but it is NOW BACK for September! To celebrate the return and make up for July and August this raffle is both a pre made character AND art raffle 

Easy way to indicate which raffle you are entering and overall glad to be back doing this challenge! Hope everyone likes the September design and the art raffle prizes, and good luck if you decide to enter! <3


If somehow you haven't turned off the subscription notifs for Bulletins when it comes to me-

 I am announcing I have completely revamped both my commissions (in which commissions are OPEN! Feel free to ask me about commissions! I am definitely willing to take any especially vouchers because it feels good to be able to support artists which getting OC art and TH premium because guess whose Premium is about to run out SOON-) and art trade threads (which you can feel free to comment on, regardless if my trades are open or not because it's more like a art trade masterlist for myself) !

Want to check them out all newly revamped and coded? Here are the links below, hope everyone has a good day / afternoon / evening / night! 

And I am pretty proud of myself for this entire revamp that I have been wanting to do for a while-


(Another Poll) Which Raffle Choice For September?

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Which Raffle Type To Host This September?

8 Votes Multi Character Design (3 Pre Made Designs)
6 Votes Multi Character Design (3 Customs)
2 Votes Multi Character Art (Up to 3 Charas)
9 Votes Multi Character Art (3 Winners)
0 Votes Other? (Comment!)

"Victory why the polls AGAIN-" 

I KNOW IT'S POLL BASED QUESTIONS AGAIN BUT THEY ARE EASIEST TO SHOW WHICH CHOICE IS BETTER OKAY- I am thinking of bringing Monthly Raffles back this months! But alas, I have missed over 2 months total worth of the Monthly Raffles (July and August) so I was thinking of making it all up for September by making the prize larger but-

Which choice? Here are my four ideas below:

Multi Character Design (3 Pre Made Designs) : Basically the raffle is like a multiple character raffle BUT with three pre made designs (feel free to drop theme ideas you guys might like for a September raffle below, I can't think of anything-) ! Multiple winners will be chosen and depending on the order, they get a certain design at random.

Multi Character Design (3 Customs): Simply a custom character raffle BUT there are three winners! You win a full on custom character reference sheet!

Multi Character Art (Up to 3 Charas) : Just an art raffle where there is one winner (maybe more if the raffle gets enough engagement) where the prize is a normal character art from me, but the art can contain up to three characters!

Multi Character Art (3 Winners): An art raffle where you can get normal character art of one character, but there are three winners for the entire thing-

Do feel free to vote in the poll, it helps me out! If you have additional comments or selected the option to comment, do comment down!

EDIT 9/5/2022: The poll results have spoken,,, Based on the results I will main it as a art raffle, but combine another option with it! Thanks for voting, everyone! <3

Due to JRR (Jojo's Record Raid) being on a permanent hiatus and I don't want them public for personal reasons (such as lack of development, not wanting art of them, etc for a project that is not being worked on, but I still love the OCS dearly-) , I am putting the folder as Authorized users can view only.

If you haven't been Authorized and want to be Authorized, feel free to comment down here if you want to be Authed! I will more likely Auth you if we are friends, mutuals, or I have seen you around TH often such as in Forums, done art trades / commissions with, etc. Basically, if I know you somehow you will likely be authed!

Authorized users also get access to all character images WITHOUT watermarks, so that's another benefit-

Do note that I may take a while to reply to comments, I am sick with a cold after all to the point I am out of school-

It’s not just my school with giving us multiple quizzes and even a essay due this Wednesday that’s probably going to hinder my progress with owed art and slowing my responses on social media, but oh no I am sick!

It’s nothing severe and no, before anyone asks it’s not COVID. But however I do feel really fatigued and congested, so I will probably be resting more than anything while trying to finish up schoolwork over responding to messages and doing owed art, I ask that you all please be patient with me! Thank you ;;

EDIT: WOOO THE ESSAY IS NOW MOVED TO BE DUE FRIDAY LETS GO- Still sick though, so the next few days will probably be slower than usual as I can already tell I am going to be feeling like shit-

POLL - What Raffles Does TH Like?

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

What raffles do you like / want me to host ?

13 Votes Normal Art Raffle
5 Votes Single Character Raffle
1 Votes Multiple Character Raffle
1 Votes Animated Art (Not sure if I can host this) Raffle
3 Votes Sketchpage Art Raffle
4 Votes Custom Character Design / Sheet Raffle
0 Votes Logo Raffle
0 Votes Custom Item / Weapon Sheet Design Raffle
3 Votes Multiple? (Please comment which ones!)
0 Votes ...Other? (Comment!)
0 Votes I just want poll options but not to give an opinion-

As a person who once hosted monthly raffles and still does occasionally do raffles here on TH often, I wonder about this very question in the title- Recently I found I have been dabbling in not just the usual art or character design raffles, but I can possibly host things like logo , sketchpage / multi drawing pages , multiple character raffles, etc.

My question for anyone who hasn't turned off the Bulletin notifications when subscribing to me or somehow see's this Bulletin (you don't have to be a sub to answer!) , what raffles do you like / want me to host more? 

I do want to know this information so I can get to know my TH subscriber (fan?) base better, but also do raffles that can gain more traction perhaps, so please do vote on the poll to help me know what raffles you want me to host! This also doesn't apply to just TH, but maybe other socials I have such as my Twitter! :D

"Victory this is the Xth poll you have posted on this site why do you want me to vote-" THIS POLL IS ANONMYNOUS THIS TIME ! So vote with no worries about me (or probably anyone) knowing who you are (unless you comment who you are or something) - This poll is for all of TH to vote on, not just my subs! 

Thank you! <3

OPINION: Gacha Adopts ?

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Opinion on me doing Gacha Style Custom Adopts?

2 Votes Do it, I would buy!
16 Votes Do it, but I wouldn’t / can’t buy-
4 Votes Neutral / Do what you want / No opinion
0 Votes Wouldn’t recommend doing it, but it’s possible?
1 Votes Wouldn’t recommend doing it, recommend normal adopts
0 Votes Don’t do it, just don’t.
0 Votes Don’t do adopts-
2 Votes I just want poll results-

Recently I have seen a lot of people doing gacha style comms, in which one gets a random design based on some options the designer can set-

Im sure most have heard of gacha style custom adopts (it’s pretty popular compared to just normal adopts), and I have done gacha style comms (which did pretty well) so I might try and do experimental gacha style adopts / designs ?

Feel free to comment down opinions about what you like when it comes to gacha adopts or what you would like to see! Or simply vote in the poll, helps me out and I am wanting to get experimental with adopts like I have been with comms recently!