_featherweather's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by _featherweather

so it's been a month? whoops

life update time

  • not dead, just constantly tired cause family, work, pandemic, and politics.
  • not necessarily in that order.
  • turned 29 at the start of july.
  • generally most active on discord and twitter.
  • been writing and reading non-fanworks, exciting.
  • also testing new sites.
  • did i mention the new pc?
  • logged in and had over 5k notifs between da and th.
  • because of this i'm finally going to be trimming following lists on both accts.
  • it's a process.
  • seriously.
  • (speaking of, i hate eclipse. just so much)
  • considering just making new th. not decided yet. don't know what i'd rebrand as, any ideas?
that's.... about it.


Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by _featherweather

so heres my quasi-monthly update so peeps know I'm not dead?

This past week has been up and down for obvious reasons. I'm not outrageously public about this but if you dont support the idea that black lives matter then you probably need to follow someone else cause... I'm black. And racial injustice has been a thing I've dealt with from a young age from unsolicited touching because people wanna feel my hair to outright racial slurs while walking around the city.

Yanno the worse thing? Hearing and seeing everything was *not* the most stressful thing this week. Although it was stressful and remains stressful even though I am very glad to see so many places are stepping up to be better.  But what took the cake ended up being some absolute bullshit that should have never happened if people got some common sense.

Putting it in spoilers because of mentions of the following triggers - CSEM / child sexual exploitation materials and sexual assault, along with mentions of "pedophilia" (by the fanpol takes), anxiety attacks, suicide baiting and attempts.

I've talked a bit about it on twitter (thread here) but essentially a big account that constantly screencaps peoples art to label them pedos posted images of an ACTUAL child being sexually assaulted. And rightfullyngot fucking banned because, even if you censor it (which they supposedly did but did a shitty job of it) they were still posting CSEM which is illegal af.

And then idiots asked where the Twitter account went and they asked for fucking proof. And a few wingnuts had /screeshoted the post and sent it to people/, all of whom now have committed a federal crime by both possessing and sending CSEM.

And these users had a bitch fit when they got reported for having it and got mad when we pointed out it wouldnt be unthinkable that they get reported to the FBI and possibly put on a sexual predator list.

"But it was an honest mistake, I'm not a pedo!"

No shit, but neither was any of the JJBA fanartists you sent to the hospital at the start of 2020 with your bullshit, or the artist who drew humanized Nooklings as geicomi style men (I cannot believe someone called art of two big, buff hairy men "actual children" jfc). 

And unlike those fanartists, these fanpol actually committed a crime! Because they treated the abuse of a real, living child like they would fanart. And this is inspite of plenty of people telling them to stop treating drawings and fanart they dont like (which is fine to not like everything) like it was the assault of real people (which is not fine). Because this culture of purity policing and potentially landed a few dozen people into trouble with the feds, some of them kids, because they thought that chasing clout was more important than reporting actual crimes correctly.

The worst part is, I can probably blame some of this on lack of education but tbh... where the fuck are these kids parents and why are they not telling them how to be safe online. Like

So many people have tried to educate the users who are caught up in this situation but they just laugh and go "lol pedo" or spam with quirky death threats as if that's not a legit concerning thing they could be doing.

so yeah. That's been a shit show. Cannot wait for either Fanexus or Bobaboard to be available so i can fandom without death threats because I'm legit sick of them.

Other than that? Things have... been... got a few packages so now I have a umpc for writing, new doujin, face masks so I can maybe leave my house after work and the ability to make amiibo cards.

Oh! I lost my ☆ and I have zero plans to put more money into toyhouse for a variety of reasons so now a bunch of my codes are broken af. Probably going to clean them up as well as clean up my following, bulletins and more. Eventually.

free copy of syberia 3

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by _featherweather

tldr bought the game, got a mystery pack... that also included the game.

so yeah hmu if you want it

eventually i'm going to clean up my bulletins and shit.

I had over 3k notifs

Posted 4 years, 18 days ago by _featherweather


Not dead just been playing AC and work?

I've been in a creative slump which suxks because I kinda need to write... a lot...

i really wanna rp...

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by _featherweather

which sort of rp sounds better?

1 Votes next gen bnha kids due to QUIRK SHENANIGANS
3 Votes three houses/officer's academy
0 Votes something else (please give ideas/prompts)

which is probably a bad thing since i have two bangs i'm in (one of which i havent even decided what i'm doing rip)

and i'm still working on finishing three houses.

and i've caved and decided to do animal crossing as of like thirty minutes ago.

but still.

i wanna do small group RP because i miss it.


Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by _featherweather

So yeah here's my monthly update I guess!

I'm considered essential personnel so I am going to be going to work unless I actually get sick.

Still trying to rehome a bunch of designs.

I have 0 plans to get AC. Whelp I got it

I really wanna get back into RPing! Small groups preferred. 

I need to update my writing list but I'm participating in a few projects which is exciting 

trade early stakes

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by _featherweather

feather's trading center

updated, 1 feb 2020!!

okay now that that's out of the way - really want to trim down on characters. if you don't want to check the tabs, go ahead and click here. possibly trimming down babs under /misc/ (other designs) but they're case by case. if you want to see anyone's full gallery lmk.

feel free to contact me in the thread, via private messages here, or by commenting directly on the character. do not inquire about designs over discord or other means unless we're mutuals please!!


  • Art!! - BIG WANT. any art of any character available in my unsorted characters. sketches, completed art, semi-customs, i'll look at anything.
  • MYO slots & Customs!! - specifically looking to make more closed species versions of yuu.
  • Other commission types!! - make mood boards? music? writing? would totally love to trade that for designs too! i would love this kind of stuff too.
  • Characters? - not very interested. my goal is to actually get rid of a lot of designs so while you can offer characters, they are not a priority and unless i really love it i'm probs gonna say no.
  • Cash!! - be it via paypal or google pay or dA points or vouchers, if i can take cash, i would love to do so lol. for ones that are for sale, i would be happy to look at mixed offers except for the blakrye - i would definitely prefer cash for him or like a custom / myo for a different species.
  • Other stuff? - i mean just ask? the worst i can do is say no, lol. mixed offers are totally okay.

please be clear on what you're offering and for who - that makes the process so much easier. like, link your commissions or sample images in a very easy place because i really don't wanna have to dicker around and click through half a dozen links to find it.

coding by a-brilliant-loser, as always, it isn't required!!

these designs are trade only. i cannot take $$$ for them.

these designs i can take $$$ for. i'll also take other things unless otherwise noted

these designs are tentative.

you can request one of these characters. if you take another character from my hands, you can request additional freebies. yes, some of these freebies are on other tabs. this just means people need to pay attention :).

pokedex completed

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by _featherweather

yeah so finished the pokedex in shield so if anyone needs anything feel free to hmu, i'll be more than happy to trade to help with completion.

also yes, i'm still working on getting rid of characters. ive been busy offline

If you aren't in the server or check DA often, Forget Me Not Angels are back in business under a new owner, Rikouryu!

They're currently running a number of events, including a raffle for a rare MYO slot.

If you have either a FMN Angel or a CD, please let the staff of Afterlife Express know so they can add them to the masterlist. If you have any old slots (like i do lol), you can get them verified which is probably helpful lol.

I'll be doing a raffle of at least one slot on dA and i'm also looking for an artist to do the MYO slots i'm keeping (not new characters, just creating FMNAngel versions of them lol)

merch sale!

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by _featherweather

hihi!! selling some anime merch. more stuff will go up in the future when i catalog shit.

trying to embed but if that doesn't work, link!!