

Dereliction is a noun which definition means the shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations and or the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.

Dereliction is a complex story of mutiple individuals, now young adults, that were all at one point abused, abandoned, neglected, and or failed in some way at any point of their lives that now endure the repercussions on behalf of another or their own misconducts and iniquities. They are all connected in some way and they each have their own stories and histories.

Please note that my story doesn't fully stick true to some canon Homestuck aspects and rules!

The story of Dereliction may contain content and themes that could potentially trigger and or disturb certain audiences. I rarely put warnings on my works, so if you are sensitive to the content listed below, please consider reading the following for your own discretion:

Dereliction contains themes of, physcial and mental abuse, substance abuse, relapses and suffering of addictions, mentions and depictions of self harm, eating disorders mentions and implications of sexual abuse, exploration of aspects of psychology and mental health, violence, and child abandonement.

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