
Much like our own world, except for the fact that in 1993, a massive rift opened up somewhere in southern California, releasing an energy that spread throughout the world, changing people, old and new. Afterwards, there was a ripple effect of large rifts opening all over the world. These rifts had existed in the world before, but never on this scale. Many people gained strange abilities, some peoples appearances were warped and altered, and many others simply died from exposure. The energy lingered on the planet for years. The infant mortality rate rose and the human race saw a global population decrease for the next 20+ years. Children born during this time had a chance of being born with these strange appearances or unreal abilities. (For some they affected them the minute they were born, but for many their abilities lie dormant and exposed themselves later in life.) In the time since then, humans have worked to understand the strange energies emitted from the rifts, as well as what may cause them, even learning to open smaller rifts throughout the world themselves. With humans having disrupted the natural order, 30 years after the first rift, a new one opens, this time instead of an otherwordly energy, otherwordly beings came out of it. Twisted, aggressive things that destroyed anything and everything they could. The only ones with the ability to push them back were the people with these unreal abilities that the world has grown to hate.

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