

Folder Intro

In a forest filled to the brim with pine trees, there lies a clearing. It's hard to spot with all the fog, but once close enough, you'll see the light illuminating from the space. Entering the clearing, you see small wooden houses circling around. Some have signs outside of them, such as "Healer's Home". At the front of the clearing, there lies a small stone castle built off of a rock pile. This had to be the most magical kingdom, you think.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Silva."

The Royal Family

The royals of the Kingdom of Sivla, they rule over the kingdom and make sure all is well. Without them, the kingdom would be unable to function. Despite the pressure and important duties, they live a luxurious life in the castle. In the Kingdom of Silva, only female relatives of the Queen can rule, although there are rare exceptions.

La Grande Prêtresse & Les Soigneurs

The Grand Priestess is said to be the cat closest with Les Etoiles, besides La Famille Royale of course. She has a special gift, being able to ask for prophecies and guidance from Les Etoiles. Along with that, she arranges sacrifices for Les Etoiles at the beginning of each season for good luck. In order to become the Grand Priestess, she must first train as a healer and train one to replace her when the time comes. She leads the healers and if not busy, will help them from time to time. The healers are greatly respected. However, they do not quite have the same connection with Les Etoiles as the Grand Priestess. If they have not been blessed, they will receive one prophecy when they complete their training and will never see the spirits of Les Etoiles again unless they are blessed, become the Grand Priestess, or pass away. Although frowned upon if there is only one, healers are allowed to have mates and kits. However, the Grand Priestess must ask Les Etoiles herself if she can have a mate unless it is a member of the Royal family. The Grand Priestess must always ask permission for kits. Les Etoiles demand a high amount of respect, and it is best to keep them pleased.

Les Gardiens

The third highest rank of the kingdom, this is a rank only the strongest and most loyal cats. One is assigned for each member of the Royal Family, and they are expected to protect the cat at all costs. In the event that the royal cat dies under their care, a variety of punishments could be inflicted depending on the circumstances. The Wardens tend to become very close to the cat they protect. So much so that it is not uncommon for them to become mates with the cat they guard.

La Érudite

The Scholar is a role for those who don't have the skill or desire to fight, nor the passion for healing. These cats dedicate their lives towards the pursuit of knowledge. Each scholar studies something different, such as the cultures of other kingdoms or the history of La Beaute du Printemps. It tends to be a rather high rank and almost guarantees a easy and peaceful life for those smart enough.

Les Gardes des Chiens

La Beaute du Printemps has a notorious problem with dog attacks. So much so that they created a role just to keep watch for dogs. The Dog Guardians have to be strong, quick, and thrive under stress. It's the perfect role for adrenaline junkies.

Les Collectionneurs d'Herbes

The herb collectors are thought of healer helpers. Instead of the healers of the kingdom risking themselves, the herb collectors will go out on a patrol and forage for them. Along with that, in the case the kingdom is swamped with sick or injured cats, they will act as assistants for the healers, grabbing herbs from the storage and the like for them.

Les Chasseurs de Proies

How can a kingdom function without food? The prey chasers go on patrols and hunt for food to feed the clan. It's not a particularly hard job, but the kingdom is rather known for their dog attacks, so it's not without risk.

Les Mesdames

Although this role means "the ladies", it is not gender exclusive. Rather, this role is for those caring for kits, rather they be currently nursing or not. It is a hard but fulfilling role.

Les Jeunes

The young ones are those under 4 seasons old currently training for a certain position. Their mentor is assigned according to the position they aspire to have. They tend to be hard working and close to one another.

Les Petits Chatons

Those under 2 seasons old, the kits spend their days with their parents or foster parents, playing, eating, and sleeping. It's an easy life.

Les Anciens

44 seasons old or older, these cats have lived fulfilling lives and now are able to rest. They normally spend their days sunbathing, talking to one another, and telling stories to the kits.

Les Étrangers

These cats have not yet been accepted into La Beaute du Printemps. They must prove themselves. Otherwise, they'll be back in the wilderness.

Les Prisonniers

The prisoners are cats who have committed awful acts worthy of imprisonment. They are placed into tight caves and are guarded 24/7, preventing them from escaping. It is a lonely life. Sometimes cats who can't be trusted or are a danger to themselves or others are placed there temporarily.

La Beaute du Printemps

The Beauty of Spring

La Reine

The Queen

La Grande Prêtresse

The Grand Priestess

Les Soigneurs

The doctors/healers

Les Gardiens (des chiens)

The Guardians/Wardens (of dogs)

Les Érudits

The Scholars

Les Collectionneurs d'Herbes

The Herb Collectors

Les Chasseurs de Proies

The Prey Chasers

Les Mesdames

The Ladies

Les Jeunes

The Young Ones

Les Petits Chatons

The Small Kittens

Les Anciens

The Ancients

Les Étrangers

The Strangers

Les Prisonniers

The Prisoners

Prayers: 1,479

Coins: 34

Watches: 117


Prey: 154

Herbs: 109


Saganistute's Gift (+4 prayers)

Your next litter will contain one breed-only mutation kit but that kit will be infertile! (Must submit a screenshot of this blessing to use it!)

1x Timeless Ticket

Painting Roses Red (ONE natural accessory to any cat of your choice OR guarantee a kit in your next litter to have an accessory of your choice, so long as the parents have an accessory to pass!)

Merry Unbirthday (allow you to age any kit or apprentice to their next life stage! (Kit>App, App>Warrior) without requiring sacred art.)

Favor of Nagas (extra breeding roll with npc)

Traitor blessing from Whispering Dreams event

Starless Skies (Chess event)

HTML by TheDemonicArtist

No story Cat Human Main character Villain Traitor and the Liar Colors Anthro dog Dog Wolf Main Character Lynx Rabbit Sugar Imp UFS Furry mlp Firbolg Tiger dog