✦ VoltCurrent



" listen again and seek the sun. "

" listen again
and seek the sun.


Set throughout 2025 in a world where two species called Nethercows and Angels exist together. Nethercows live across most of the land and have a larger population. Angels live on a floating island as a smaller population but possess magic that allows them to create and live in small, temporary alternate worlds called servers.

Follows Jeremiah, an electrical engineer, and his friends in their lives to become better (or worse) people. Voltcurrent tracks many individual stories intertwined with each other as they navigate Nethercow City's power crisis in different ways.

Nethercow City, the most populated Nethercow settlement, has been threatened by aging infrastructure and frequent blackouts. With half of the city underground and the solar panels it has relied on for decades no longer properly functional, its population has begun to feel uneasy with the future of the city itself and is relying on fast yet future focused decisions on new ways to solve the problem.

Voltcurrent Cow Artfight Adult Female Nethercow city Torren Male Scientist Minor Sacria Nethercow City Angel Istillor Student Nethercow Worldbuilding Icepick Agender Lore