Posted 1 year, 18 days ago by DIRECTOR

Hello Volunteers! We're sorry about the month of silence- a lot happened in terms of burnout and focus shifting!
However, we are bringing good news right now!

We've updated our entire inventory system, moving to a google website due to a popular "off site host" vote in the discord a while ago!
All users (with any kind of existing inventory) should currently be listed; we will be adding everyone else probably tomorrow! Thank you for being patient with us.

Here's the website!

We will also be moving a few of our supplemental information pages (such as the item glossary, which is already there) to the site because it is FAR easier to edit and keep up to date than the pages here.

If you encounter any errors on the new site, feel free to comment on this bulletin and we will address them as soon as we're able.
Group activity should resume shortly, within the next couple days!


YO IM LOVING THIS UPDATE! Having a visual masterlist is fantastic! I’ve always loved the item art, so it great to see it more often now! I like how sleek everything is and it’s so easy to navigate!

I’m excited to see more group activities!! Can’t wait to get back into the groove with my little guys! >:D

One quick thing I did notice though from my bank:

- Im missing the Wormhole Radar (proof here:

- As well as a Lunatone pelago Egg (traded to me by Hooty on discord server:

So glad to have this bank now!! I’m gonna go start planning out my characters and hopefully submitting some of my Pelago eggs!!! 💕

Errors have been corrected, sorry about that! ♥

The website looks amazing holy cow!! Love the way it’s organised <3

Looks great and simple to use so far! Great job! <3

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Updated! Don't forget to add the mutation to Tuyere's profile ;P 

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This user is not visible to guests.

Fixed! Sorry about that 

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