Screw Twitter, I'm gonna use bulletins as a blog
Currently: At a cafe eating ♦ Mood: Sleepy/Stressed

I mean how many sites have a blog feature that's distinct from art posts and such? I like it here. My only concern is spamming people with notifications so I will try and keep them as, yknow, condensed and summary as possible. Maybe I'll start doing a fortnightly one. 26 posts a year doesn't seem so bad. Anyway, let's make this the first one. It's been a bit of a whirlwind these past few months...

  • I feel like I've been yelling about it for ages, but Offshore, my novel that has been my pride and joy for the past half a year, is fully published! I am now mirroring it very slowly to Tapas as well, but I keep forgetting lol. All reading links area at the link above.
  • Art Fight has been a blast. I am still in awe of all the incredible art that people have made for me. I had to pause because of 5 billion responsibilities rising from the depths to entrap me like a pod of bubble net feeding humpback whales. Won't share my link here because I am drowning in unrevenged attacks, But I will try to revenge everyone who has attacked me and also polish off the rest of my friend hitlist (5 people)!
  • I'm on Bluesky now. Literally anything other than Twitter or X or whatever fresh hell it is now would be nice. But I'll probably keep checking twt as long as there are friends there...
  • I'm a manager on Land of Fans and Music, the mega Homestuck fan album series, as usual! We're in the thick of making LOFAM 5 Act 2. I think people take pride in it being the biggest Homestuck fanmusic compilation in the fandom, but I didn't know that when I joined. Follow us on Tumblr and Bandcamp!
  • Window to Worlds 2023 has gone to print preorders! You can check it at this link.
  • Speaking of WTW 2023...have you seen my art piece for it? I love having a reason to draw scenes of the Offshore OCs. Also, while you're here, check out everyone else's stunning work—links to download and read it are all on our Carrd!
  • University tutoring starts up again this week—I'm tutoring on designing tabletop games...looking forward to sharing my own explorations in way of prepping for it!
  • And finally, I'm running a research survey - we're looking at people who keep in touch with family members or partners living in a different country - especially (im)migrants and diaspora, but all are welcome. If you're one of those people, or know someone who is, there's more info + a link to access the survey on this post!

See you soon! I'm looking forward to making this blog template thing better and idk maybe building it into its own userscript or something...

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I don’t even have a Twitter, but I swear every week I hear about them implementing another crazy update what in the world is happening over there

the new owner wants to burn the entire thing to the ground

Yeah pretty much what oatchi said, I'm so tired of the site getting changes every month to soothe for Elon Musk's ego. The most recent one (total site rename and logo change) has made it VERY easy to break the habit of checking lmao.