TH bulletin blog themer beta is live!
Currently: Drawing ♦ Mood: Sleepy

The browser extension/userscript I made to customise a blog theme + apply it to bulletins with a click is available! You need Greasemonkey or another userscript manager extension to install it.

The how-to guide is also at the link above. Happy to receive bug reports and feedback here + help with using it, if anyone decides to give it a spin. It's not fully tested (I am super busy lately) so consider this a beta.

#userscript #codeposting


fuelli thank you - let me know how it goes!

I just discovered a bug that might make post text disappear, working on the fix rn but just remember to make a copy of the code before it's edited!

EDIT: I've published the fix, I think that if it doesn't automatically update to 0.3 it should be updatable at the same link as where you installed it!

I've updated the script, I had no bugs before but now I'm encountering one! :') It just... broke everything and now the "Apply theme" button just disables WYSIWYG like the button in the top right does. I tried to delete and reinstall the script completely but to no avail dfgfd

PAIN do you have v0.2 or 0.3? I remember after I posted 0.2 I got that bug that disables the WYSIWYG too, and 0.3 was the fix for that. If it's 0.3 and still doing it, I will 🔍

OH yeah it's 0.2 but for some reason it only lets me update to v0.2 even when i click on the "update to version 0.3" button on Greasy Fork?? It's so weird



Oh this is very strange, it seems to install the right one for me on both Firefox and Chrome. Does hard refresh (Ctrl + Shift + R) on the GreasyFork page and clicking update again let you install 0.3? (thank you so much for the help btw, been desperately needing to beta test this lmao)

Hard refresh worked!! Tysm 🙏 (and yw haha!!)

1 Replies

If all else fails, you can open TamperMonkey and paste the v0.3 code in directly!

Installed it!! It's so cool and gives me good ol DeviantArt nostalgia... can't wait to use it