Help I have a TH theme making addiction
Mood: sleepy but having a good time ♦ currently: working on my site rebuild

You know...that feeling when you can't stop getting cool profile theme ideas, but don't have enough characters to slap them onto, so you just keep making F2U themes for other people to use...

Tell me it's not just me 🥲

My most recent concept is a theme that has like...a big banner at the top where you can showcase cool art pieces around the character's icon so it makes a big statement right off the bat. But. I still have that Windows 95 theme on the backburner so I think that one will come first.

By the way, have you seen Lavender, the profile theme I posted a couple of days ago? I made it for the Coder's Quarters challenge and I'm super super proud of it.

By the way part 2, my flat-price code customs are still open and I'm tempted to make them perma-open. I always have energy for HTML/CSS stuff...I should update my links lol.

#thinks #life and times


one of these days i will get around to making concepts of/grabbing info for my goddess code........ 

Judging from the way I'm feeling about it, these comms will still be open by then :>

i feel like this is an odd question but would you perhaps be down for making a code custom for a lorekeeper-based website character profile that would be released to the community to use :? its relatively the same as th (uses bootstrap/FA) BUT style tags dont work (hell on eart)

Yeee I'm interested! I'm enjoying the look and feel of the site (if it's the one you've been sharing). I've done dev for Lorekeeper / other Laravel sites before if that helps!

Also oh god that sounds like Backend Shenanigans, I hope you can figure it out

EPIC would you mind if i dm'd you on discord once i have a sketch?

Yis I don't mind, feel free to DM anytime!