OC Questionnaire!

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by BooZoo

Do you like your characters?

6 Votes I love them!
0 Votes I'm neutral about my own characters
0 Votes I like some, don't care for others
0 Votes I dislike my characters, normally I'm unhappy with them.
0 Votes I actively HATE my characters.

Hello friends! I was bored and decided to fill out a character questionnaire, feel free to take these questions and fill them out, you don't have to post it or anything, but it's all fun to think about! (:

1: Who was your first character, and what inspired their creation?

Pipster was my first character, she was inspired simply by the fact I wanted to create my first character, (Because my older sister was doing it!) So at the age of 11, I gathered all my art stuff and ventured out into the barn in my backyard and climbed the loft, scribbling the most colorful cat/dinosaur/fox hybrid and then pinning her picture to the wood beam next to the barn window. It was such a sunny and bright morning (:

2: Which character is your favorite, and why?

Errr, I don't choose favorites, they're all so special to me in their ways that are different but just as important! I stared blankly at the wall for far too long at this distressing question so... next!

3: Which character do you relate to the most, and in what ways?

Look no further than my personas! The reason they all look so different is that they're heavily based on themes from my past, present, and a (hypothetical) future! For instance, Mipsy is based on a lot of my childhood, And Weepy Willy is more of the current day! ... good lord! Shout out to all the Mipsys out there that turned into Weepy Willies!

4: Which character was the most challenging to develop, and what made them so?

Gage Trussel and Landon Winslow were the most difficult to write. I think I redid their entire concept and profiles countless times. It was as emotionally taxing as it was therapeutic, (I was/am struggling with a new cognitive issue and this was/is one of the many ways I expressed that, art is the best therapy for me!)

5: Do you have a character that underwent the most significant transformation from their initial concept? What changed, and why?

Like, who changed the most from the concept to the current day? Hmmm...
Friendly! (Sorry his profile is private right now) He's not even recognizable from his original "Concept" Yellow Jacket, different personality, design, and a complete shift in character!

6: Which character's backstory is your favorite to tell or explore?

OOOH OOOH OOH, THATS EASY, DAVEY LUSKEY!!! Holy crap this dude has like, a trillion different variants that I had to make 2 separate profiles for his other versions and then explore those versions ^^

Errr, you could say Davey was a teeny tiny bit routine-changing, (He re-awakened my love for Friday the 13th and we all know how that went!) - I never would have gone to conventions without him :0 And hopefully many more conventions to come! (We're working on a kid Jason doll V2 now!)

So back to Davey! To answer the question, I love rambling about him! - Oh! And don't go diving into his story, because I'm about to do a re-write with a key element change! (It's a good one I know it is, no spoilers!) I'm so excited to start!
One spoiler: He's getting a new variant... (:

7: How do you go about naming your characters, and which character's name are you particularly fond of?

I take several days or a few hours to name my characters because it has to, I don't know, have a reason to be named that I guess (: sometimes it's if the name fits their design, story, etc., or I keep the name they came with!

And sometimes I like to get you guys to help me, like how you helped me name the new guy, The Clown! Now he's got 5 names and they're all more special than a Google search because they came from you guys...  (:

My favorite character's name is Jackie of all trades! (My public clowning name is Jackie!)

8: Have any of your characters been inspired by real-life people or events? Can you share a story?

Most of them are based on me, things that happened to me, things I feel, or very close family! But sometimes I base them on real-life people!
But to share a story? Hmm, Hunter is loosely based on someone, or I guess you could say, based on the experience of looking for that someone. Maybe one day I'll talk about it, I would be open to it, but I don't know how to word it, it's pretty sad   

9: Do you have a character who's particularly popular among your audience? What do you think appeals to them?

That's a tough question! I can't say for certain if you guys like any of them, but if I had to take a wild guess, I think you favor Scribbs and Mipsy! And if I'm right in my guess, I can't blame you! What's not to love about adorable puppies?! (:

10: How do your characters' relationships with each other drive their development and the story?

And last but not least, the 10th question and it's a good one! Character relationships are the single most important element to me about most characters! I'm constantly linking these guys together and finding out how they relate and interact with one another! (it helps with developing personality!) I'm a very story-driven person and if I don't have something to daydream about I'm not a happy camper! And when they are finally together and in their element and setting, they are impossible to separate! Like Pooh without piglet! Spongebob without Patrick! Phineas without Ferb! 

Fun extra trivia:

I don't know how it happened but out of all my characters (300+) I have a crush on Kenny in particular. I will not further elaborate or share my fanfiction folder...

I've been partaking in live-action roleplay every night for 13 years now and with that amount of time, a few OCs are gonna sneak into it!
I've live-action roleplayed with a few of them, but here are the mains:
Pipster (On and off for 12 years)
Wishy-Washy and Grew-gag (On and off for years)
Davey Luskey (2+ years, ongoing)
Landon Winslow (1+ year, ongoing)
Gage Trussel (1+ year, ongoing)
The Clown (1 Month, ongoing)
 - And a bunch of canon characters/my LARP partner's characters, (13+ years, ongoing!)

Most of their mannerisms, story, and drawings come from live-action roleplay, it's why a lot of them have info dumps that are difficult to maneuver through - Soon I'll clean up I promise!!

I'm trying to reskin a spirit Halloween animatronic (Boogieman) to look like The Clown, the project is taking longer than expected because we're moving and things are chaotic and unworkable around the craft room ):
- Speaking of The Clown, he's the character I have the most IRL items for! (:

Well, that's all for now! Maybe one day I'll make a part 2 to this because if you know me you know I love running my mouth, rambling, and sharing way too much info (:




WOAH!! I'll definitely be making my own bulletin answering these questions!
But this was a really interesting read! I'd have to say my favorite character of yours has to be Davey! Also your layouts for posts are always fun to see!
Also idk I'm weird, I don't like to consider my ocs as my "children" I crush on too many of them haha!

Thanks!! So glad you thought so!! :D   
You're one of my favorite character creators! And if we're choosing favorites, hmmm, that's tough!! But my favorite from you is Richie! - (And the rest of the Riptide cast of course!)
There's no such thing as weird!! - Highly judgemental people are the true weirdos - Let us crush on our characters in peace!   

HAHA yes Richie! He's gone through a lot of changes since his original concept

I second that! Being normal is boring anyway!

Heheh I love learning about your characters all their lore is so well thought of! 

Awww, thanks!!    I love reading about all your characters too! You're one of my favorites to look through!! :D