Starnie Staff Applications (semi-open)

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by 4LeafRose

EDIT: Only need regular mods and admins interested in shops, events, and running the Upgrade approvals.

Looking for honest and friendly staff members who don't mind lending a hand in the species! I honestly thought it would take a little while longer before this world grew too big for me to do alone but I was wrong and it's been a pleasant surprise! 😂 I'll still be doing as much as I can but some extra help would be awesome!

Staff requirements:

•Must be 18 years of age or older.

•Must be willing to participate and be apart of the world. Activity comes second to willingness because we know that real life responsibilities are most important!

•Starnies are a family friendly kind of species. For this reason, your vocabulary when regarding anything related to Starnies/in the Starnie world/forums should be restricted to family friendly words. (A.k.a I will not tolerate cussing. Please don't.)

•Any sensitive or NSFW content on your profile should be thoroughly marked as such! Profile and character Warnings should also be utilized if necessary! (This way any minors who stumble upon your profile can stay safe!)

•Must be kind and considerate to members of the group, using sound judgement and patience when dealing with any situation.

•No form of racism or hate speech will be allowed! Politics should also never be mentioned.

Duties and responsibilities:

(Everyone may not have the same responsibilities! Tasks can be delegated based on what everyone would like to do. Some tasks could do with more than one person working on it)

Everyone (Moderator title):

•Moderating events, prompts, forums, etc (anything Starnie related)

•Answering simple questions at the help desk. (If there is ever a question you do not know the answer to, it is ok to wait for me to answer it myself)

•Helping to resolve disputes or issues if they occur.

Individual tasks (Admin title):

•Updating Starnie levels in the Level up forum

•Assisting with the shop

•Awarding SP (Star Powder) at the Cash-in forum

•Updating the masterlist (goes hand in hand with level ups)

•Updating inventory (goes hand in hand with shop and cash-in)

•Approving Starnie upgrades (and updating the masterlist/inventory)

•Rewarding items/myos/etc. During events/prompts

I am also looking for one or more individuals who would be interested in setting up a species Discord. I do not know enough about Discord myself to do it, but if someone else would be willing to, let me know!

*There are some things that I will continue to do alone for now like Starnie approvals and event planning.


•Unlimited Common Myos

•200 SP (Star Powder) a month salary to use at the shops/market

•Early notice of new Starnie events/features

•(Admin only) an extra 100 SP a month salary

•(Admin only) 3 free Uncommon myo a yr

•(Admin only) 1 free Legendary myo a yr

(The myos gained from benefits CANNOT be sold, traded, or gifted. They CAN be used to design Starnies which you can then sell/trade/gift)





Are you 18 yrs old or older?: (yes or no)

Why do you want to join the staff?: (it's okay to say that you just came for the benefits 👌😂 I love honesty!)

How active are you on active do you plan to be in the group?: (will not effect your chances of becoming a staff member but may be used to determine what individual tasks you'd be able to do on your own)

Are you interested in doing any of the individual tasks and which ones?:

Are you interested in helping with or setting up the Discord?: (this is not required or expected! It's totally fine to say no!)

Please pm the application form to 4LeafRose

Any questions? Just ask~


Will guest artists for adopts exist when the species grows :o?

Great question! :D

I do not yet know but it is a possibility!