To everyone who bought commissions for me over the past month and a bit, thank you! It was a great and very productive stint and I'm happy to have met a lot of people along the way.

As of 16th May, I will be retiring commissions to make room for final preparations before I move for my master's degree, to finish a freelance job I've been working concurrently, and also to finish the next chapter of Revolving Door. I will no longer be taking any shaded+ commissions after this point or bumping the sheet (kindly requesting that no one else do this either).

If you were meaning to commission me, now's your last chance! The earliest I can see myself open commissions again will be in July, but even then I may have to take more time to settle into the new place, so I guess we'll see. I may entertain private requests for commissions! See you again soon!


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