Current plots: an overview

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by RU-HX

My plots have flipped about a bit and I've added a few since I joined. I'm not sure I put an up to date write-up of what I'm currently working with on here? At present I have 5 plots. There's another plot that exists within my sci-fi universe I'm semi-playing with but I can't figure out what exactly is going on so it's on the back burner for now. I'll probably work on it more once I've developed my main sci-fi plot a bit further.

I have 3 historical plots. I enjoy researching the periods I write for and I like having somewhere to dump what I learn. I prefer to watch anti-war drama and I'm also very interested in human psychology so when working with historical plots I'm generally more interested in the psychological impact of war. 

Sci-Fi [Digitalis]:
Super simplified, my sci-fi plot mainly deals with an areal survey crew tasked with mapping a largely uncharted fictional planet called Haal. There's a lot more going on with glitchy digital overlays that can impact reality (think of the market scene in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and you're pretty close to what I'm aiming for) and little pocket universes but it's difficult to explain in a brief sentence. 

Status: Semi-active but being re-worked. Now I've got a base idea down I'm starting to headcanon within this universe again. I'm still working out details regarding the digital overlays and figuring out how the pocket universes work as well as tweaking some character roles. I haven't gotten as far as figuring out stuff like WHAT in the real world can be affected by the digital overlays go or how you access them. Once I have all those details figured this plot will go back to active status.

Associated Characters: Raven, Lucian, Oscar, Cardinal, Werner

Digitalis/WW1 Crossover
An AU that's veering very close to becoming canon because I really enjoy the idea and it gives me more material to work with. 

The crossover happens just after the Somme for my WW1 OC's so they get a decent amount of time in their intended setting. Otherwise it's largely the same as the Digitalis plot just with an added layer of the historical crossover and the psychological impact it has on my WW1 OC's. 

Status: Semi-active. Much the same as the main Digitalis plot, still working out a few details but starting to headcanon more within this universe.

Associated Characters: Raven, Lucian, Oscar, Cardinal, Werner, Jasper, William, Freidrich

Follows Hendrix and Beck from enthusiastic rookie pilots to jaded Spitfire aces. 

The pair eventually transfer to Lancasters where we meet Max, a German navigator fighting for the Allies and other characters I haven't yet created or named. The boys must integrate into a new group dynamic and make it work if they want to survive but when you're used to being the only one in the aircraft that's not exactly easy.

Status: Active. At least the Spitfire portion is, I don't understand enough about Lancaster ops to do much with it so that's something I'm currently researching. I haven't yet made the remaining 4 members of the flight crew, I'm not really sure what I want from these 4 characters yet so I can't begin to figure out group dynamics or write stuff with place holder personalities for the character driven side of it.

Associated Characters: Hendrix, Beck, Max

Follows Jasper and William through the war. Assuming the Digitalis/WW1 plot becomes canon, the wartime portion of their plot runs up to 1916, just after the Somme so the boys get a decent amount of time in their intended setting.

Friedrich is a German POW William grabs on a raid who tries to defect and ends up tagging along into their adventure into the Digitalis universe.

Status: Active

Associated Characters: Jasper, William, Friedrich

Age of Sail:

Follows Francis trying to survive long enough to make Admiral, Owen and Archie trying not to kill each other and Sandy who just wants a quiet life in a peaceful profession.

There's one Admiral who knows Francis talks shit about him and is waiting for Francis to make the tiniest fuck-up to bring a shitstorm down on his head. 

Watch your back, boys.

Status: Temporary Hold. Currently waiting on a period accurate seamanship book to arrive that I'm probably gonna want a bit of time to study that a bit before I fiddle with the plot any further. I'm also re-working the canon dates a little since I realized the fic I uploaded that's set within this plot went by a slightly older timeline rather because it's an older fic than the updated one I'm currently working with and I somehow never caught the discrepancies, oops. I will eventually go back and edit that fic so everything adds up but I wanna get all my dates sorted first.

Associated characters: Francis, Owen, Archie, Sandy

End note: As Francis and Hendrix won the poll I'll make both of them a completely new drawing and fic. Current project is getting a few ref sheets done so I'll make their new art after that. Ref sheet queue currently stands at William being the current WIP and Hendrix being the next in line. Drawing will be a half body integrated into a scene or the characters interacting with something and for the fics I'm aiming for a minimum of 1,000 words. It might take me a bit of time to get the fic done but I will do it!


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