Artfight preparations: Starnie edition

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by 4LeafRose

A big hello to everyone and a little reminder to those participating in Artfight this year! 

Drawing a Starnie, whether it's yours or someone else's, earns you Star Powder. Also, every art piece in your Starnie's gallery improves it's level. This can definitely come in handy during Artfight! Don't forget to Cash-in after the fight and Level-up your Starnies! 

If you've uploaded your Starnie to Artfight this year, feel free to drop a link to their af profiles for others to attack! >:)

Don't forget there are species sheets you can link in the Character's profile in the world pages section of the world.

Have fun and stay safe!

What is artfight? About Artfight official page here


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Aaaaaah I appreciate this reminder!!! Decided to go ahead and add my starnie on art fight :D

Would Artfight’s rules allow this, though?

Spirit of Artfight 1. “All art needs to be made specifically for Art Fight… art from other art events does not count, and should not be uploaded as an attack.”

Spirit of Artfight 3. “Do not use art gained from or made for Art Fight for profit (e.g. character sales, trades, auctions, etc). Creating a character to gain art with the intention of selling it is prohibited.”

Yes, as far as I understand, using your Starnie on Artfight and attacking a Starnie on Artfight does not break any rules ^^

To address each rule properly:

1: This particular bulletin is promoting Artfight and is not a separate event. Any art you make as an attack is of your own choice and can & should be done so in the spirit of Artfight whether you are attacking a Starnie or another character. 

3: Though "Star Powder" is technically our "species currency", it does not have any actual worth and is not allowed to be sold or traded for real currency. For this reason, using Artfight art to level up your starnie and gain Star Powder is not breaking Artfight rules because no one is making a profit from it.

I just think that if one is making an attack for the purpose of turning it in for Star Powder it would be the same as uploading an attack that was a payment, trade, or even commission. 

It may also be a little… rude? For lack of a better word. Like, say, if one were to upload an attack that was a birthday present.

I'd recommend contacting one of Artfight's staff to double check, it just seems a little wrong to me.

Perhaps I am speaking out of turn, but I think Rose's intent was more: If you participate in art fight and draw Starnies, don't forget you could redeem for species currency and levels after the fact. Not so much as making an attack solely to gain anything, just an added bonus to those who participate and draw Starnies...? Because if the intention was solely for getting SP, then there's nothing from stopping you from just drawing in the first place.

Yeah, that’s true. ^u^ Apologies, I didn’t mean to come across as rude or as if I was attacking Rose. I only intended to speak my concern about it. It seems to me, personally, like a grey area in the rules. People may get in trouble if it is decided upon that it is against The Spirit of ArtFight. I only encourage that she double checks it with the staff, as those who see the bulletin may have no idea. I don’t think anyone would use the system with ill intent, but it is up to Artfight’s discretion, and to check in with them about it would be a good precaution.

I didn't take offense to it! ^^ I understood where you were coming from, and agree there is quite a bit of grey area. :D Thanks for your input though! It's always good to have other opinions, because sometimes things get overlooked, or perspectives aren't thought of!