Halloween Hunt Update!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by iinkt

Hello everybody! The hunt is still going strong, but I wanted to update you all on what is remaining!

There is only one Legendary Candy and two Rare Candies that are still open, but I do know all of the Common ones are still open! Haven't quite totaled the Uncommon ones yet, so I can't be sure, but there's only one so far I have capped off. There is still one mythic candy that hasn't been discovered at all, but it is by far the trickiest to find. It has a pretty sick prize though, in my opinion! All in all, only 8 out of 30 candies have been closed.

As for cap extensions, I've decided to extend all of the MYO ones (2 to 5, 5 to 10, and 10 to 15) but I won't be extending any Remnant ones (or Scales, but those will be the last to fill up since they had large caps anyways). 

If you're not sure where you left off, I'm happy to look up your username through the submissions to see how many times you've sent claims, but if there's a likelihood you submitted duplicates then the total might be a little off (so just keep that in mind).

Good luck finding any candies you haven't found yet! Share the event with your friends so they can participate!

Not sure what I'm talking about? Check out the original Halloween Hunt post!


I would,, love to see how many claims I got. (There’s one duplicate in there because I messed up on one of the names BHAHA))

I ALSO FOUND A MYTHIC LETS GOO!! (The Spooky x deep sea one 🦈)

It’s so late dude I am so tired but finding things was worth it

ALSO WUICK QUESTION SORRY IF THIS IS AN OBVIOUS ONE!! Does the Deep sea x spooky require / allow me to use any traits from both of them, but also other traits from the regular trait lists? And if so what are the limitations rarity wise!!

You have sent in 13 claims! But a lot are closed, so that’s likely a decent chunk :)

Great job on that Mythic! That MYO is what is called a Merged MYO (which is a function available in the lab), and it specifically allows you to use any Spooky and Deep Sea traits, as well as all Regular traits (because it is Legendary). If you had a Rare Spooky x Deep Sea, you could use Spooky, Deep Sea, and Regular Rare (and below) traits ^^

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13 claims!

could i view my claims pls? :D but also I haven’t claimed everything i saw sobs (not signed in)

You’ve sent in 12 claims!

cries could i see how muhc i got? 

You’ve sent in 25 claims!

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You’ve sent in 10 claims!

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Of course! You have sent 25 claims :)

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Sure! You've claimed 27, which I think might be the most so far!

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That is a possibility too! But I think I've only come across one duplicate. Still, that's quite a few :0

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Hehe.. I'm quite proud of it's location! Great job on finding it!

could I see how many claims ive sent?

You've sent in 12 claims!

If it’s not any trouble. How many claims have I sent in?

11 claims! Also, your username made me laugh out loud when I first saw it on the responses :)

not sure if you'd be able to answer this fairly, but are any of the candies located off-site or outside of the world?? :"D cuz i've seriously been looking everywhere and i have no idea where else they could be, i have looked off site a little but i'm not sure if that's worth pursuing

i understand if this cannot be answered lol

None are off-site, but I will say that not all of them are accessible through the World. However, they are all in something Shrimpshifter related (so there's not any in my OCs or anything).

thankyou for letting me know, i really appreciate it🤍

Of course! Good luck! :0

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You’ve sent in 20!

if you don’t mind me asking, how many claims did i send?

You’ve sent in 23!

how many claims have i sent so far?

You’ve sent 25 claims!

how many claims have a sent so far?

10 claims!

I'd like to know how many claims I have :] I've found a few candies that I couldn't claim so just wondering how many I have claimed 

You’ve sent 20 claims!

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You have sent 14 claims!

hii! i'd also like to know where i've left off please, as i'm a little unsure ^^

You’ve sent 19 claims!

id like to know where i left off please!!!

You have sent 25 claims!

cool, thanks!!

Will it be obvious when a candy has reached its cap? Or is there a possibility we can send claims for capped ones?

Yes, because I will break the link and leave a note! But I am not able to catch it immediately, just when I check. So you might not get everything you claim ^^;

Alright! Thanks for letting me know! Also, when will we get the prizes? I’m interested in buying a spooky MYO, but I don’t currently have enough scales in my account, so I was hoping to get some more :)

After everything has maximum claims, I will distribute the prizes! The only candy without a cap is the Common Spooky MYO, so as long as you particpate (and find it) you’re guaranteed that MYO, but there isn’t a guarantee for the higher rarities (many are full).

As far as purchasing goes, if the event lasts until the 31st, I’ll extend the Spooky MYOs to be purchased for an extra week since people will get their Scales then ^^

Alright, sounds great! Thanks so much! :)

Could you let me know how many claims I've sent?

19 claims!

4 Replies

You did a rlly good job hiding all of them! I swear i’ve searched everywhere haha 

Aww, thanks!! You’ve found a pretty good amount :0

dang, that mythic one is really hidden well haha

 could u check how many claims I’ve sent pls?

You have sent 23 claims!

woah i totally thought more would have been capped! could you tell me how many times ive sent claims? ^^

You’ve sent 12 claims!