Comments on Roundup December / January - NEW STORY PROMPT! All Comments

🔸 February 2022 Story Prompt:

Your character is in town when the business on the normally quiet street grows unruly around them.  Suddenly, they find themselves pushing through throngs of distracted pedestrians, and jostled as the crowd parts to allow passage for a vehicle. The wagon, which seems to be the center of the sudden commotion, is piloted by a white-collared Witchfinder. The iron bars that make up the wagon's side barely reveal its cargo: another group of suspected Hidden Mages, on their way to Namarast for trial.

As your character turns away from the scene to continue their business, a face in the crowd catches their eye. Inches away is a stranger whom your character recognizes from WANTED posters all over the city. Your character remembers these posters listing a hefty reward for the fugitive, whose crimes include the unlawful teaching of magic. For a moment, the criminal is frozen while recognition floods your character's face. 

When the criminal turns to run in the opposite direction of the Witchfinder's wagon, what does your character do?

  1.  I alert the Witchfinders to the criminal's presence; they've broken the law, and I certainly don't want to be seen as aiding them. Your character receives -1 Cost. If your character already has 0 Cost, you may choose to take +1 Corruption instead.

  2. I chase the criminal to apprehend them myself. They will see justice, and that reward is mine! Your character receives +1 Corruption.

  3. I help the criminal escape, through whatever means are available to me. Times are hard enough for mages. Your character receives +1 Power.

  4. I let the criminal go, and keep quiet. This isn't my business. Your character receives +1 Discipline.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. Responses to this prompt should be done individually, one character per response.