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Item name: Imbue Magic Amulet
Target Character: Thallan
Item Effect: Can enchant the clothing they make!
Item Price: 30

Item name: Stat Token (x2)
Target Character: Thallan
Item Effect: Can manipulate physical sensation as well as emotional with +2 Discipline
Item Price: 100

Item name: Mending Scroll
Target Character: Thallan
Item Effect: Can sew way faster [:
Item Price: 10

Item name: Minor healing scroll
Target Character: Thallan
Item Effect: Can ease aches and pains through physical touch, though remains unaware of this themself, thinks they just give really good massages
Item Price: 10

Item name: Extended Telekinesis
Target Character: Thallan
Item Effect: Can REALLY sew faster
Item Price: 10

Item name: Stat Token
Target Character: Lasair
Item Effect: Lasair can now disguise herself as....herself. The way she used to be, without all this nasty corruption.
Item Price: 50

Username: GoId
Total: 210 total gold

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