Comments on Ambinetics | December Adopt Advent | OPEN All Comments

May I claim Dec 17: Out of this World ? owo


You've chosen the Out of this World Lantern! 

When you're ready - please send the payment via the directions below!

 - This should be sent as 'goods and service'
- please write in the note your username and nothing else.
- and select 'no address needed'

Please send 50$ to - Epi's Paypal

Please link a screenshot to show me payment is sent!
Your Ambinetic will be revealed on December 17th!

Thank you so much for purchasing!

Poking you to remind you to send your payment through. <3

I am so sorry ! I claimed and then immediately forgot. ; ;
Payment sent ! Proof:


Here is your Ambinetic! 

This adopt is by Epizootix - Click Image to Open the Adopt File!
Trait list can be found in this Google Doc!

We hope you enjoy them! Thank you again!