Comments on Fortune Shrine All Comments

Link to Character: Shrimp
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +30 gold, +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: more corruption yeehaw

Hello! We will approve this soon, just one thing! This art piece is really nice but doesn't quite answer the prompt: could you please tell us what she took that didn't belong to her?

oh it said In your reply, show us what Shrimp fears will happen if she fails. so i focused on that!

It also said To obtain her reward, Shrimp is tasked with taking something that isn’t hers, so just tell us what she stole, and we'll approve it :)

ohh im so sorry!! i misu,derstood, totally my bad

she probably stole some gold and heirlooms from another person, unfortantely being caught right in middle the crime

ill add it to the image description later

Fortune smiles upon Shrimp. She has gained +30g and +1  Corruption.

We have added 30g to your bank account. Please update Shrimp's stats and magic accordingly!