Fortune Shrine

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Franknsteins


the shrine of fortune

One of the three mysterious Patrons in magical myth, Fortune offers power, wealth, and easy rewards for a terrible cost. At this shrine, your character can call upon Fortune for their blessing, and use the Pact of Fortune item.

For more information on Shrines, click here.

Fortune is thought to be the source the corruption that always finds those seeking immediate rewards. They are characterized as a jolly trickster whose gifts come with a bloody price.

The Patron and the Shrine

Fortune is an accessible entity. They are an honest one, and can be kind, if you do not ask too much. They ask no long pilgrimages of their patrons and the road to their greatest shrine near Faline is easy and clearly marked. The elders that maintain it are all too happy to instruct you in the proper rites to worship and will pleasantly point you at the entrance to the vestibule where you can pay your price and reap your reward.
To non-magical folk, the ones who do not wish to seek more power than what was born in their bones, Fortune is a jolly figure, exemplified in the half mask of a painted smile handed out for children to wear on feastdays such as the celebration at the end of a Great Hunt. To those who seek more, however, Fortune is an opportunity. As with all things in this life, they demand a cost, freely paid. They will give much for what seems very little at each visit and trust that interest will be paid in the return. It is a gamble, hedged over centuries and lifetimes, but as anyone familiar with long odds will tell you: the house will win in the end.
Though Ivras's shrines come in many shapes and sizes, Fortune’s greatest shrine is located close to Faline. It consists of an open air structure of two concrete semi-circle walls laid out concentrically with no ceiling. According to the priests, this design indicates Fortune wants no hiding of the pacts struck there. The outer wall is low, easy enough to see over and swings out wide enough to hold hundreds on a feast day. Fortune celebrates three of those scheduled throughout the year, with priests dispensing painted paper masks and food and wine to the devotees. Another feast day is held at the culmination of a Great Hunt. Once the foe is vanquished, their bones are marched to the shrine to be interred within the inner circle. To the common folk, this is to thank Fortune for granting protection from the Monster’s rampage. To those who have had their prayers answered, however, it is a grim reminder that Fortune collects Their due in time.
The inner circle’s walls are tall, painted a deep, muddy red on the outside and capped with gold plating. Most never venture inside--only supplicants and the superstitious elders are welcome here. Inside, the priests don their full-face masks, plastered with a stretched, red smile, when they bear witness to rituals. The walls are alternately plated with gold and bare stretches of concrete, painted with outlines of beings in the same muddy red as the other side of the wall. Each outline has no discernable features beyond a slash of a white smile where their mouth should be. The inside is otherwise brutally bare. A clean-swept floor encircles the secret third of the circles of Fortune: the pit of bones from the Monsters.

Fortune's rewards

Fortune can make the following bargains with mages who seek their favor:
  • +2 Power or Discipline (your choice), +1 Corruption
  • - 1 Cost, +1 Corruption
  • + 30 Gold, +1 Corruption
  • Reduce or increase a character’s age by up to 10 years, +1 Corruption
  • Immediate birth of baby (no waiting period for pregnancy), +1 Corruption

Shrine quest instructions

Shrines offer in-game rewards to characters who visit them and complete shrine quests. Shrine quests are art/writing prompts that are randomly generated when a character visits a shrine. Read on for instructions on how to generate your random quest prompt.

  1. Select a desired reward from the list above.
  2. Once you're ready for a quest, head to Anathema's discord server and go to the #rolling channel. In the pinned messages there, you will find a form! Fill it out and drop it in the channel to roll your dice and get assigned a randomly generated quest prompt.
  3. Using the numbers the bot rolls, staff will reply to you with your specific quest prompt. At this point, you can choose to accept or reject the prompt. You can roll once per character every seven days; rejecting a prompt will still use your weekly roll for that character.
  4. Complete your quest by creating a work of art, literature (or a mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold.
  5. Upload the art or literature submission to your character's Anathema gallery, and put your quest prompt and shrine reward in the caption in place of your gold count. Quest prompts do not earn gold on top of quest rewards.
  6. Post a link to the quest on the respective patron's shrine bulletin (right here!). Include the reward you intend to claim! Staff will review it and give you your rewards, which you can then add to your character's Log!

Completed Quest Form

Once you have completed your Quest, reply to this bulletin with the form below:

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward:
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:

Using the Pact of Fortune item

Once you have purchased the Pact of Fortune item from the shop, your character must complete a special quest to activate the item. The art, literature (or mix thereof) created for this quest can claim regular Gold rewards.

Create a piece of art, writing (or mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold depicting your mage's transition into near-immortality. How did they become unaging? Did they perform a ritual at a shrine to Fortune, or was some other magic used? Was it intentional? Why did they want it (or not want it)? What does Corruption mean for your character?

When this piece is complete, add it to your character's Anathema gallery and link to it in their Log to indicate the change. Give your character +5 Corruption. Submit the piece to staff through ModMail on the Anathema discord server to finalize the change. Staff will award you the Gold for your piece at this time.


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The key feels heavy in his grasp; full of promises. Kismet has gained +1 Power, +1 Discipline, and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. (Also, in the future, please add the gold count for the image as well!) Note that if you give him a 3-point cost despite only gaining 1, he will have the full 3 points (not simply as flavour).

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Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power 1+ corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable. Magic will not change drastically until level 3 (30 power 30 disc), but with more power (and subsequent lich activation), Brynn has more control over the flames and how to weild them. Her defensive qualities resist just that little bit more.

We do what we must in the pursuit of power. Fortune smiles upon the shattered spear.... Brynn has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Alektô can channel more power towards her recipient. Corruption : her face visibly ages more than it should

(I think being able to enhance a 2nd person would have to wait for more stats, maybe at a 20 cap or something)

Power and knowledge are inextricably linked; Fortune offers gifts untold to those who recognise this. Such items are best left in the hands of the worthy, not in a stale corner to be forgotten.... Alektô has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest: (it's today's quest ; the one below was from january)

Desired reward: +2 power +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Astrid can control two limbs at a time now (instead of one arm only). +1 corruption : blood will crystalize on her deepest wounds. Her right eye turns entirely black with a red iris.


Blood seeps into the sand of a fighting ring, blood drips across Fortune's altar. A silent promise follows Astrid as she leaves the temple... She has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 power +1 discipline +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Astrid can finally bend the blood inside someone. She's able to control someone's arm for up to a few minutes, only one at a time. Corruption : she feels a low hunger when she bloodbends this way.

The blood drips, and catches a stray glint of moonlight. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the echo of a ghostly laugh... She has earned +1 Power, +1 Disicpline, and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest: || gold worth (even if not added to the bank) : 11g (6 color shaded fb dragon +1 accessories hand +4 colored bg)

"Fortune's smile seems to grow a little wider each time... To obtain her reward, Alektô is tasked with taking something that does not belong to her. In your reply, show us what she fears will happen if she fails."

Desired reward: +1 power +1 discipline 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: 

+1 corruption : a third eye appears on her forehead. It's permanent. She's unsure if it's due to her familiar or not (it's not). 

+1 discipline : When a bond with someone is active as they ask for help, that very same eye may appear on her recipient for the duration of the bond (at the recipient preference for flavor : could be on their forehead, swap for one of their eyes, just be a sensation, be a floating eye near them, etc...). 

+1 power : This allows Alektô to get a way more accurate idea of the recipient's environment and situation (she had only a vague idea or feeling before, depending on what the recipient tried to show her/ask of her as it's limited by the bond's strength).


As she takes the notes, she can hear a faint whisper of a laugh in the back of her mind... Alektô has earned +1 power, +1 discipline, and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 power, +1 disc +1 corruption (lich mage power activates and provides +2 to power and disc, +1 cost)

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: At 3 cost, Brynn's cost list changes to (3) Magic has or gives the caster an appearance that frightens or disgusts others. Will be reworded for flavour but the essence of the cost is there.

In fire, and in the blood she has spilled, there is power. Brynn has earned +1 power, +1 discipline, and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Xavier on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: Karma Bites Back, Bitch {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse (TW for staff - mentions of a lot of sensitive subjects)

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: This is his final corruption point for total monstrosity 

In the flaming confusion, Xavier hears a ghostly laugh in the back of his mind, and then nothing more. He has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. As this is his final Corruption point, please DM Modmail for more info.

Link to Character: Xavier on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: Laughter Is The Best Medicine {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Xavier can now feed on mages and non mages alike in the same way. There is no distinction between strong and weak for him. The effect of consumption is now almost nothing for him. His euphoria lasts barely minutes and he is finding himself feeding more and more just to have that feeling. This is the final corruption point for him before full monster and it has turned him into a full crazed loon. He cannot remember anything, he does not think of anything but the next meal. He is truly a deluded individual now that everyone avoids like the plague. 

A harmless joke or a prank taken too far? Fortune isn't picky. Xavier has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: after this, he's nothing but a monster. Not that he wanted to be, but maybe this is the peace he sought after all? 

An unimpressive offering, but in the end, Fortune always wins. Rorscach has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof. As Rorscach has hit 10 corruption, please DM Modmail for more info.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: he's got a bit more corruption and discipline. while his powers are controlled, his visions are becoming more out of his control. they pop up at times where he's resting, or trying to do something. this is beginning to take a toll on him, he's so exhausted.

Fortune will bring you what you ask for, just keep trying. Rorschach earns +2 discipline and +1 corruption

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Discipline +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: with more Discipline, Ror will be able to discern futures even more vividly. however, with the corruption mounting, he also is beginning to feel a little out of control with his magic, gaining random visions of unknown faces and fates he would rather not see

Hmmm, bread? Meager, but acceptable. Fortune has their eye on you. Rorschach earns +2 discipline and +1 corruption

Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Strength  +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: a further boost to how long she can use her healing abilities

In her dreams that night, she gets a glimpse of Fortune's wide, sharp grin. Surely the hunter gang merely got what they deserved...? Alessia has gained +2 strength and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof; update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:

Hello! Could you elaborate on the effects of the stat change?

Oh I didn't fill that part out fjsjx there isn't a change ;o;

Since he gains +2 Discipline, there has to be some effect on his magic! You don't need a lot of detail, but at least give us a vague idea of what the extra stat points will do.

With more discipline it's likely his visions won't be as vague anymore, and will become more detailed to what a person asks of him with their fortunes!

The shopkeeper's ire is nothing against the sweet taste of control. Rorschach has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof; update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Shrimp (
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +1 corruption, +2 power
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Her flame goes completely out of control, fully engufling her head as the rest of her body is overgrown by scales.

Nothing comes for free... one day, all debts must be settled. Shrimp has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption, but at what cost?

Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof. As Shrimp has hit 10 corruption, please DM Modmail for more info!

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Fortune asked, and while maybe not in the conventional way, Vizon answered. She earns +2 discipline and +1 corruption

Mark the change in your character's log, and link to this comment as proof.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power +1 corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: 

+2 power : can now sense someone's presence by sensing their blood (if they have any) up to 6 meters (instead of 3 right now)

Can now slow or speed up someone's blood pressure enough to eventually cause light stress/anxiety or fatigue (instead of just sensing it)

Corruption : she loses sight of her left eye, it gets permanently stuck in bloody red crystals 

Hey Mydajk! I see you've explained what the +2 power is going to do, making the 3 meters into 6 fits that really well, but slowing / speeding bloodflow sounds more like a discipline thing. What you could do instead, is make it +1 power (sensing blood from 6 meters) and +1 discipline (speeding up or slowing down someones blood pressure)

Does that make sense?

Hi o/ Ah yes it totally makes sense, my bad ! Let’s go for +1 power and +1 discipline then :D Thank you a lot !

Fortune listens, giving Astrid +1 Power, +1 discipline and +1 Corruption

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: with +2 power, when Alektô is actively bound to someone through her ritual, she can give them a helping hand by materializing ghostly arms at their sides, for them to command. Her first point of Corruption affects her body by creating two ink black arms, popping from her own shoulders.

With her decision made, something in her smolders hot, and maybe she can feel Fortune's smile upon her... Alektô has gained +2 Power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Xavier on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: Hunting For His Prize {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: He now has some control over if he takes a half-soul or not (50/50 chance when trying). The corruption has caused blindness in 1 eye.

See, that wasn't so bad, was it? A small price to pay for +2 discipline and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward:  +1 Power, +1 Disc., +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Glowing red Miasma comes from his mouths as he breathes, its suffocating to whomever breathes it, causing partial paralysis. 

Phenumbra can feel Fortune gaze upon him. He has gained +1 power, +1 discipline, and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: The cost of it has granted him an everlasting pain that's almost blinding, and he's being more eaten alive by his magic than ever, at 9 corruption.

Just a little more... Fortune plays the long game. Easy tasks, a low price for power... But they always win, in the end. Volund has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: with even MORE power, he's definitely fallen into being eaten alive with it. Unable to hold a grip on it because his lack of Discipline, he's become a danger to others now just as much as to himself. It's a pulsing heat that slowly consumes his flesh, and the area around him.

Such a small thing, to make others laugh; Fortune never asks for much, do they? And in return... searing heat. Pain is a small price to pay for +2 power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: his bad eye, once warm from a single drop of corruption, has begun to peel away to the skull underneath

Hello! Could you elaborate how this stat change will affect his magic?

oops, my bad! His magic is becoming more out of control, and it's starting to eat at him. With Corruption, the lack of discipline, and a lot of power, he's falling victim to basically being eaten alive by it.

The children's laughter rings through the air, and while Völund may hate it, he can feel something burn hotter within, too... He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

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Ah I just saw this one, I think you've already gotten your answer but Pact of Fortunes are submitted through modmail, not the shrine here :) I see it's all been taken care of though!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: a slow corruption has begun to grab hold of him, though it has not shown itself yet visibly.

Who needed those trinkets more than Volund? No one, that's who. Volund has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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A very risky action to take, who knows what vaulting part of a powerful monster could do in the long term. Aihonistra has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Kivo on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: Greetings To An Old Friend {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Kivo will be able to introduce a codeword into his magic which will mean that the commandment is only performed after the codeword is spoken. The corruption has affected his physical body. Now at 6 corruption points, it will also begin to negatively affect his mental state too.

Unconventional, cruel, and oh so amusing. Kivo has earned+2 power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to character:

Link to finished quest:

Desired reward: +2 disc +1 corruption 

Effect or stat changes, if applicable:

The wailing witch was no more. Having laid herself bare, the darkness and depths of space overcame her and shifted her into something…ancient. 

some local farmers on the outskirts of Faline say they heard the sky cry for but a moment, before a crack in the sky formed and grew, revealing a large cloak of deep night above the area.

Blood seeps into an unfeeling, vast sky, and Fortune's smile grows endlessly wide. They always get their due... Ravenflight has gained +2 discipline and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. DM Modmail for more info!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 disc. +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Ravenflights control allows her to focus her magics on specific people’s and directions, rather than a residual effect.

Her cruel laugh is heard through the woods, and likewise echoes in Ravenflight's mind. She has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, 1 corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: With more power, the sorrow almost feels otherworldy, heavy, you feel a crushing weight. To the most affected, It’s as if gravity is collapsing around you? The chill seeps into your bones. Emptiness is around you.

Hooves pounding like a heartbeat against the ground, and with every step Ravenflight can feel a power rising in her limbs. She has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, 1 corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: her powers grow stronger, she is able to intensify the Feelings that another can have. It’s almost crippling and heavy. A deeper sorrow.

Blood is power. Every time Ravenflight's blood has been spilled, Fortune has been watching; she has gained +2 power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: 1 corruption, 2 discipline 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: NA

I'll approve this soon! Could you please elaborate how the added stat will affect her abilities?

Oh sure! Haven’t done this before!

Her added stats will get her a little more control over her star magic. 

Her powers are still nowhere near as big as I planned yet. that ain’t happening until they’re 20s.

Is this what you mean?

With every drop of blood shed, Fortune's smile grows wider... Keita has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, 1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: NA

Ramman feels he is the reason his parents split up, due to his magic outburst that harmed them as a child. Mother of Irvatian Navy, Father of Farmers Guild.

The memory of his parents split may be painful, but Ramman is stronger for it... or that's what Fortune whispers in his ear, at least. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: NA

Jezabelle holds the knife, glaringly at the attacker. They had come too close, not heeding the warning. Blood mixing with water trickles down the scythe, she would strike again.

At the sight of the blood trickling down, Jezabelle feels something stir. Fortune is watching her, but it is with a rumble of discontent... She has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. Don't forget to include a player character next time!

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The paper crumples in his grip, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Fortune laughs. Bergamot has earned -1 Cost and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Link to finished Quest: Desired reward: + Discipline, 1 Corruption Effect of stat changes, if applicable: We do what we can to get by - Fortune knows this more than most.

Ramman has had a tough time on the farm. He betrays his lovers trust - and takes some gold from him.

A betrayal so cruel, it'll sting for years to come. Ramman gains +1 power, +1 discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Link to finished Quest: Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption Effect of stat changes, if applicable: The start of something darker brews within - her power only grows.

Jezabelle wishes to grow her power - no matter the cost.

She is reluctant, but when the opportunity presented itself, she gently raised the stone. If the child paid attention they would have seen it. The child had been playing that infernal instrument all night, following her around where ever she went. The Ravens had ceased to play - so should have the child. She looked around for the carers, for any other of the crew. Could not see.

Neither did the child.

Sweet, sweet revenge. Fortune lets its cackle be heard, and rewards Jezabelle with +2 power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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The pain grows, and grows, and grows... Fortune always comes to collect their debt. Yuriel has earned +2 Power and a final +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly. DM Modmail for further instructions!

Link to Character: Shrimp
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +30 gold, +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: more corruption yeehaw

In the heat of her fire, she can feel Fortune's favour. Shrimp has earned +30 gold and +1 Corruption.

We have added 30g to your bank account. Please update Shrimp's stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character: Shrimp
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +30 gold, +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: more corruption yeehaw

Hello! We will approve this soon, just one thing! This art piece is really nice but doesn't quite answer the prompt: could you please tell us what she took that didn't belong to her?

oh it said In your reply, show us what Shrimp fears will happen if she fails. so i focused on that!

It also said To obtain her reward, Shrimp is tasked with taking something that isn’t hers, so just tell us what she stole, and we'll approve it :)

ohh im so sorry!! i misu,derstood, totally my bad

she probably stole some gold and heirlooms from another person, unfortantely being caught right in middle the crime

ill add it to the image description later

Fortune smiles upon Shrimp. She has gained +30g and +1  Corruption.

We have added 30g to your bank account. Please update Shrimp's stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character: Silke

Link to finished Quest: Shrine Quest (Fortune): A Betrayal

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Silke begins to be able to see the aura/lifeforce of flora as her Power grows. However, it is making it harder for her to discern where other living beings are in densely grown areas (corruption). 

The sweet taste of freedom mingles with the bitterness of betrayal, and in the wind, there is a whisper of laughter... Fortune is watching. Silke has earned +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 discipline, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: corruption - small mushrooms can occasionally be found growing on him now. Discipline - Nigel's ability to determine when he hears mushrooms/what he hears from them continues to grow, and now he seldom hears them until he opens himself up *to* hearing them

As Nigel takes control of the situation and the fire rages stronger, Fortune bares their teeth. Nigel has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Eidolon

Link to finished Quest: Here

Desired reward: +2 discipline, +1 corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Eidolon has learned to pull nightmares from a single wake target standing next to, or in-front of, her.

We will approve this soon! It's looking great, but doesn't quite answer the second half of the prompt: can you tell us briefly why she wants to learn to control her magic better?

Me? An idiot? Noooo

I slapped down a part 2 real quick :eye: 

Sorry I understand nothing lately ahaha :, D

The still-warm heart feels heavy in Eidolon's hands, and for a moment, the candles flicker and almost go out... Fortune is watching. Eidolon has earned +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

(No worries at all!!)

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 corruption, age up 5 years making him 22

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: The new corruption has sparks flying from him whenever he gets upset, despite the tattoos meant to suppress his magic

The moment the girl trips, Valefor may feel a weight upon him; Fortune is watching… He has aged 5 years and gained +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Link to finished Quest: Desired reward: +2 power +1 corruption Effect of stat changes, if applicable: plants begin pulling at his skin breaking it apart and Ius can now grow moss off his body (only about a foot)

Hello! I'm unable to view the literature, could you check the permissions/if you have published it?

The soup may not taste good, but a new kind of energy fills Ius' limbs. Perhaps Fortune did indeed pay him a visit... Ius has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

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Muted winter sunlight breaks through the clouds, making the golden letters glint and glimmer for a moment—then a chill wind picks up, and the light is gone. Yuri has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Shrimps fires burn brighter and more deadly than they had before

As some of the foals flee from the fire, others laugh at their friends' fear. Shrimp feels the heavy gaze of Fortune fall upon her... She has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption

As Siren sinks beneath the waves, she can feel something change... She has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 power, +1 discipline, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Can start to tailor his visions to specific, individual fears and loves

We will approve this soon, just one thing! This art is gorgeous, but doesn’t answer the prompt: can you tell us briefly what it is Jericho stole and from whom?

Toyhouse wouldn't let me write any more in the desc SOBS He's supposed to be running from Yasumi's inn, knowing she'd definitely kill him if he got caught

As he flees the scene of his crime, Jericho feels a dark satisfaction blooming in his chest as Fortune's unseen smile broadens. Jericho has gained +1 Discipline, +1 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. 

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The stolen blade feels heavy, but there is comfort in the weight. Fortune smiles upon Cherché; she has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 discipline, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Void can move quicker and seems to move outside of her body at times...

In the pain, strength. Despite it all, she can feel Fortune's attention shift towards her, and something changes within... Elouan has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly. (And don't forget to add a gold count to your finished quest piece!)

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When Ivory's fingers pierce canvas and rake through the dead man's image, the distorted face on the painting grins blackly back at her through wine-red stains. Ivory has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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When Yuriel sees the blood of his opponent drip and mingle with the rain, he can feel something shift and change within him. Fortune is watching... He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Basileios Veres
Link to finished Quest: risk
Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: his magic will be changing a bit with the hymn thing, but more discipline will give him another base ability: shadowshifting, starting to be able to become a stand alone shadow ooooo

In the glint of her blade, and in the blood spilled on the ground, Basileios can feel a change come upon him. Fortune is always watching... He has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

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As Glade's blood drips onto the floor, Sinderion can feel something change within him... He has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Any effect Cinnte creates using his magic, such as fire or water, is now more destructive and lasts for longer. With +1 corruption, he sometimes coughs up ink when using his magic.

As blood spatters across the ship's deck, Cinnte can feel Fortune's gaze turn upon him. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable

Bringing Al up to 9 corruption, +2 discipline to widen the range of his magic.

As he drops Elouan to the floor, Aleister feels his patron's anticipation. Fortune knows their Disciple is closer to them than ever. Aleister has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

"In order to claim his reward, Málmr is tasked with taking something precious from someone he cares about. In your reply, show us why Málmr wishes to claim his reward."

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired Reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption
Stat Changes: He'll start looking more and more beastly, probably Beauty and the Beast style [:

As he grips the manacle key tightly, Málmr feels something has changed forever. Málmr has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Besides brute force with her explosions Bli is now able to create a few large explosions in rapid fire. Anger consumes her and the desire to be anything weak festers in her like a wound that wont heal, her flesh riddles out like maggots when hurt, is this true power or something else.

As Bli flees with her stolen bounty, the weight of carrying it is greater than she could have imagined. Bli has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Bli will be able to expand her explosive power, more boom to each strike. Its a hefty cost, with her corruption at times it feels as she is burning inside out. The taste of ash fills her mouth, an unquenchable thirst

Through the pain, Bli can feel Fortune's gaze turn upon her. Bli has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: The void seems to have a mind of its own, at times expanding rapidly on it's own to defend it's host. The power, and injury from her meeting with Aleister, has also left her with a permanent void covering her eye and the surrounding area. A soft glow seems to emit from it, almost as if it's coming from inside her.

As she stared into the empty eyes of the mask, Elouan could feel the gaze of her patron staring back. Elouan has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

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With the broken horn hot in his shaking fist, Splinter feels the sharp attention of his patron. Splinter has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

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As the Order's prized plants wither, Sinderion feels the warmth of his patron's favor. Sinderion has gained +2 Power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: his automatons might be grass but now they’ve got some BEEF 

As he flees with his stolen goods, Harlan feels countless eyes on him, from the silent forest shadows that surround him. Harlan has gained +2 Power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Linkoln Delvaux

Link to finished Quest: Pact of Fortune

Desired reward: Agelessness

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: +5 Corruption and oops he's at 10 now oh no..............

As he opens his eyes to stars for the final time, Linkoln feels the grasp of Fortune's claw close tightly around his mind. Linkoln has gained +5 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly. DM Modmail for further instructions.

Link to character:
Link to finished quest:
Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes: Paroxysm can explode 200 ft further than before and regenerate quicker; it's also corrupted.

As laughter peals out around him, a strange echo bring Paroxysm's cruel patron to mind. Paroxysm has gained +2 Power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest: 

Desired reward: +2 Power +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: His fire powers becomes much greater, far more powerful, same with his shapeshifting ability but with the lack of discipline he lacks control. The corruption further corrupts his mind and makes him much more greedy.

As Grimmr lays the paltry tooth at Fortune's shrine, he feels a rumble of discontentment under his feet. Thankfully, Fortune accepts the sacrifice regardless. Grimmr has gained +2 Power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Ravenous

Link to finished Quest: Relics, Ruins, Remains

Desired reward: +2 discipline, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: With more discipline, Ravenous is able to absorb magic on a distance, and after consuming enough magic, he will get a boost of physical strength.

As Ravenous leaves the abandoned shrine, there is a glimmer in the empty gaze of Fortune's mask. Ravenous has gained +2 discipline and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: Reduce or increase a character’s age by up to 10 years, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Danaë will be aged up.

In the roaring flames of the forest fire, Fortune's cruel laughter can be heard. Danaë may reduce or increase her age with up to 10 years, and she gains +1 corruption.

Please add the changes to your character's log, and update her bio accordingly.

Link to character:

Link to finished quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: With more power, Ravenous will be able to eat more magic faster

With the hair of Mattis' tail in his mouth, Ravenous catches the attention of Fortune. He gains +2 power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Linkoln

Link to finished Quest: fortune favors the bold

Desired reward: +2 Discipline +1 Corruption 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: With more training, Link's visions are becoming a little more clear with a little more detail when he is trying to track someone, as well as starting the ability to sense other people around his victim if they are there (though they will be basically faceless shadows). 

In the moment where Linkoln's blade finds Vilim's throat, Fortune's gaze turns upon him, and their smile is wide and sharp. Linkoln has earned +2 discipline and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Power +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Grimmr's fire becomes more powerful. Corruption further affects his state of mind, making him more easily irritated, and making it difficult for him to focus. Corruption is not physically visible and affects his mind and ability to control himself and his powers at certain times.

As Grimmr sneaks out of his father's study, he can feel the heavy weight of Fortune's gaze upon him. He gains +2 power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Lit! Thank you Apel <33

Link to Character: Ravenous

Link to finished Quest: Hunter and Hunted

Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: With more power, Ravenous will be able to 'eat' magic faster, and in larger quantities.

Far away from the scene of cruel laughter, in the darkness under the trees, Ravenous can feel the piercing gaze of Fortune upon him. He gains +2 power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to character: Dani
Link to finished quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes: Dani can conjure larger weapons like swords and axes, and larger blood creatures like cats. More corruption makes her heal slower and her eyes are permanently red instead of brown.

As Dani leaves the scene, the sting of putting weight on her wounded leg makes something stir within her. Fortune smiles: she has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Basileios Veres

Link to finished Quest: It's too simple to surrender 

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Will allow him to create lil shadow creatures c:

In the weight of the amulet in his hand, Basileios can feel Fortune's presence. He has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his  stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 power, +1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: More power for the bastard as I work him towards a strong monster :) More power means his illusions can spread to more people, for longer periods of time.

As Mairyn's blood hits the stone altar, Aleister can sense the sharp grin of Fortune behind him. He has gained +2 power and +1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his  stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Kerelas Muirell 

Link to finished Quest: One thing at a time

Desired reward: -1 Cost, +2 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable:  Removing the first cost listed on his magic and adding another 2 points of corruption.

Málmr's letters are light as a feather in Kerelas' hand, but they weigh heavily on his mind. He has gained +1 corruption, but lost -1 cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly. Note that it's only 1 corruption, not 2; that was a typo!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable:  Astrid can now detect someone's presence by sensing their blood (+1 discipline) and focus on their blood flow to sense if something is wrong (+1 discipline). Example : a high heart rhythm may mean high effort, fear, or voluntarily lying ; a low one may mean everything's fine (or that they're an excellent liar/don't know they're lying).

Limitations : Astrid cannot be sure what exactly induces a high or low flow, she can only make assumptions. With her current 2 power, she can use these abilities up to 3 meters around her (+3 meters per +1 power). Does not work on creatures who do not have blood.

+1 Corruption : Her moon, which had been a pure white since it first appeared, turns red the night she uses her blood abilities for the first time.

In the laughter of her classmates, Astrid hears the wicked amusement of her Patron. She has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Divos can now command his swords three times in one day, proving him even more dangerous. As the corruption continues to spread through him, his paranoia starts to eat at his rationality.

In the metallic sound of blade hitting blade, Divos hears the wretched laughter of his Patron. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power +1 Corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Slightly beastial details noticeable upon first sight that something Experienced witchhunters will recognize the signs unless she finds a way to conceal it. In exchange, she can now shapeshift without needing to touch her cloaks.

In the warmth of the fire, Lasair feels the playful, horrible gaze of her Patron. She has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to character:
Link to finished quest:
Desired reward: +2 Power, +1 Corruption
Effect of Stat Change: His rabbits are capable of touch. It is limited still until he can gain discipline, but they can grab and bite with shadow tendrils and too-sharp teeth. The corruption appears to unhinge something in him, but otherwise there is little change this time.

In the echoing laughter and the red humiliation blooming on Opal's face, Leveret feels the favor of his Patron. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest: (CW warning; npc death)

Desired reward: +2 Discipline, +1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: She gains the ability to create two new cloaks of her choice. Corruption gives her nightmares.

In the smears of blood and the growing horror that followed, Lasair feels the favor of her Patron. She has gained +2 Discipline and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update her stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +2 power
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: Ioeth's new power adds distance: they can travel further through the shadows, and their shadow shapes have a longer reach. They are also able to reach into the Abyss easier. The corruption, though, turns their already bony legs even more skeletal.

In the splinters and shards created by their task, Ioeth feels the favor of their Patron. they have gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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In the eyes of his beguiled target, Apollyn can see the glimmering favor of his Patron. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Many, many, many for the delay on this response! I had notifications for these Bulletins turned off mistakenly; it won't happen again! 

Link to character:
Link to finished quest:
Desired Reward: +2 power, +1 corruption
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: He’ll be able to see and hear using his rabbits. Distance is increased. Corruption altered his appearance, more yellow around his pupils.

In the weight of the locket, and the gnawing guilt that comes with it, Leveret feels the favor of his Patron. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Many, many, many for the delay on this response! I had notifications for these Bulletins turned off mistakenly; it won't happen again! 

This user's account has been closed.

In the swirling, radiant heat of the flames, Apollyn feels the favor of his Patron. He has gained +2 Power and +1 Corruption. 

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.
I'm going to add a form to this bulletin to use next time! Bc this is all new, I just wanted to let you know it will look different for Apollyn's future quests!